‘Zero Carbon Building Accelerator (ZCBA)” project in city , Stakeholder Consultation Meeting held

Nagpur :-  Nagpur Smart and Sustainable City Development Corporation Limited (NSSCDCL), Nagpur Municipal Corporation, World Resource Institute (WRI) and ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability, South Asia (ICLEI South Asia) organized a Stakeholder Consultation Meeting for the ‘Zero Carbon Building Accelerator (ZCBA)” project at Nagpur Smart City office recently.

The ZCBA project is a continuation of the Building Efficiency Accelerator project, which was implemented in Nagpur from 2018 to 2020. NSSCDCL had published city-specific Guidelines for Climate Responsive and Energy Efficient Homes for its citizens and building sector practitioners. To continue Nagpur’s efforts and outcomes, a roadmap is being prepared with the vision to make all of the city’s buildings to be Net Zero Buildings by 2050.The Roadmap includes strategies and actions to help reduce GHG emissions related to the choice building materials, and how buildings are designed, built, operated and deconstructed. The ZCBA program was launched by World Resources Institute (WRI) and supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in 2021. ICLEI South Asia is a regional partner of the ZCBA and has been working closely with the NSSCDCL and NMC for developing a Zero Carbon Buildings Action Plan for Nagpur. The consultation meeting was aimed at engaging building sector experts to discuss the strategies and actions to help the uptake of highly efficient and zero carbon buildings in Nagpur. The consultation also looked to identify key stakeholders who can assist the city to realise its vision of Zero Carbon buildings by 2050.NMC Commissioner  Radhakrishnan B., NSSCDCL CEO Chinmay Gotmare, city officials, and domain experts from academia, green building certification agencies, NGOs, builders and developers were present in the meeting. Speaking during the event, Municipal Commissioner emphasized that pilot projects of zero carbon buildings shall be implemented starting from public buildings covering different aspects such as eco- friendly building materials and construction techniques, building envelop design and end of life policy measures. He indicated readiness to take policy actions and explore financial options directed towards citizens and private sector while stressing upon the need to set up robust building performance monitoring procedures. Nagpur Smart City CEO expressed that an unambiguous guideline shall be prepared for ZCBs considering the local climatic conditions and traditional practices.

Representatives from ICLEI South Asia, WRI, and Ela Green Buildings & Infrastructure Consultants Pvt. Ltd.presented on various strategies that have been prepared for the ZCB roadmap and relevant best practices with case studies to showcase the applicability on-ground and their linkages with national level goals. Stakeholders deliberated on various aspects of building environmental performance throughout its lifecycle and also provided valuable inputs to help prioritize actions for decarbonizing Nagpur’s building sector through the ZCBA project.



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