Governor inaugurates IMC Ease of Living Conference at Raj Bhavan

Participation of citizens must in improving ‘ease of living’, says Governor Bais

Mumbai :- Stating that partnership of citizens is important to improve the ease of living in cities and towns, Maharashtra Governor Ramesh Bais stressed the need to improve the conditions of roads in Mumbai.

The Governor was speaking at the inauguration of the 3rd Ease of Living Conference organised by the Indian Merchants’ Chamber at Raj Bhavan Mumbai on Friday (19 May).

Addressing the gathering of captains of industry and senior civic officials, the Governor said while roads in various cities of the country are plain and smooth, those in the city are in bad shape, despite there being no dearth of money in the city.

The Governor expressed the need to develop water transport to ease the burden on roads and local trains.

President of IMC Anant Singhania, President elect Dr Sameer Somaiya, Commissioner of Police Vivek Phansalkar, and Chairman of the ;IMC Ease of Living Committee’ M K Chouhan were among those present.

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Sat May 20 , 2023
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