Central Railway, Nagpur Division Takes a Significant Step Towards Sustainability with 350 KWp Solar Power Plant

Nagpur :- Central Railway’s Nagpur Division has taken a major stride in environmental conservation and energy efficiency with the installation of a 350 KWp solar power plant. This state-of-the-art plant has been set up on the rooftops of key facilities, including the Divisional Railway Manager (DRM) Building, Nagpur Railway Hospital, and Gunjan Sabhagrih.

Spearheaded by Manish Agarwal, Divisional Railway Manager, and guided by Pratibha Gupta, Senior Divisional Electrical Engineer (G), the project is currently in its testing phase and will soon become operational. Developed under the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) model, this initiative ensures a sustainable and cost-effective energy solution for the next 25 years, providing consistent and renewable energy while reducing electricity expenses for the division.

Key Benefits of the Solar Power Plant:

Cost Savings: Substantial reduction in electricity expenses, contributing to financial efficiency.

Environmental Conservation: Significant reduction in carbon emissions, aligning with Indian Railways’ “Green Initiative” goals.

Reliable Energy Supply: Stable and sustainable energy for 25 years to meet long-term operational needs.

Promoting Renewable Energy: Reflects Indian Railways’ commitment to clean energy adoption.

Upon completion, the project will not only result in financial savings but also play a pivotal role in reducing the carbon footprint of the Nagpur Division. This initiative reinforces Indian Railways’ dedication to sustainability and energy efficiency while setting a benchmark for other railway divisions.

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Sun Jan 26 , 2025
नवी दिल्ली :- महाराष्ट्र राज्याला निवडणूक प्रक्रीया उत्कृष्टपणे राबविल्याबद्दल राष्ट्रपती द्रौपदी मुर्मू यांच्या हस्ते राज्याचे मुख्य निवडणूक अधिकारी एस. चोकलिंगम यांना आज सन्मानित करण्यात आले. निवडणुकांचे यशस्वी आणि सुरळीत आयोजन केल्याबद्दल निवडणूक व्यवस्थापन क्षेत्रात उल्लेखनीय योगदान देणाऱ्या व्यक्ती आणि राज्यांना विवधि श्रेणीत विशेष पुरस्कार प्रदान करण्यात आले. येथील दिल्ली छावणी परिसरातील मानेकशॉ सभागृहात भारत निवडणूक आयोगाच्यावतीने 15 व्या राष्ट्रीय मतदार […]

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