State committee of Kisan Sabha reorganized: Sanjay Parate convener, Rishi Gupta and Vakil Bharti become co-conveners, state conference will be held in February

Raipur :- The state committee of Chhattisgarh Kisan Sabha, affiliated to All India Kisan Sabha, has been reconstituted. This reorganization was done in the presence of National General Secretary of Kisan Sabha Vijoo Krishnan and Joint Secretary and Chhattisgarh in-charge Avadhesh Kumar. Vijoo Krishnan gave detailed information about the ongoing agricultural crisis in the country, the nationwide farmers’ movement under the banner of Sanyukt Kisan Morcha and the role of Kisan Sabha in it and the upcoming movements and called for strengthening Kisan Sabha and SKM in Chhattisgarh also. He said that the organization and the farmers’ movement can be strengthened only by implementing the slogan of “Kisan Sabha in every village and every farmer in Kisan Sabha”.

Convenor Sanjay Parate and co-convenors Rishi Gupta and Vakil Bharti have been elected to the 17-member coordination committee. Other members of the coordination committee are: CP Shukla, Dil Sai Nagesh (Surguja), Madho Singh, Kapil Paikra (Surajpur), Krishna Kumar Lakda, Bifan Nagesh (Balrampur), Vishal Wakde, Sudhar Singh (Marwahi), Prashant Jha, Jawahar. Singh Kanwar (Korba), Vanmali Pradhan (Raigarh), KK Sahu (Raipur), Shant Kumar (Durg).

In the meeting of the Kisan Sabha Coordination Committee, it was decided to organize the State Conference in February 2024 and before that, to hold the District Conference and the conferences of lower units. In the meeting, it was decided to mobilize Kisan Sabha workers from all the districts to make the state conference of Sanyukt Kisan Morcha to be held on 20th September successful. Joint Secretary Badal Saroj from Kisan Sabha Center will participate in this conference.

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स्मार्ट प्रसाधनगृहांचा विस्तृत प्रकल्प अहवाल (डीपीआर) महिन्याभरात सादर करा

Tue Sep 19 , 2023
– मनपा आयुक्त तथा प्रशासक डॉ. चौधरी यांचे स्लम विभागाला निर्देश नागपूर :- नागपूर शहरातील नागरिकांचा राहणीमानाचा दर्जा उंचाविण्यासाठी मनपा आयुक्त तथा प्रशासक डॉ. अभिजीत चौधरी यांच्या मार्गदर्शनाखाली नागपूर महानगरपालिका कार्य करीत आहे. नागरिकांच्या सोयीसाठी आवश्यक व गर्दीच्या ठिकाणी शहरात स्मार्ट पब्लिक टॉयलेट तयार करण्यात येणार असून, या स्मार्ट प्रसाधनगृहांचा विस्तृत प्रकल्प अहवाल (डीपीआर) येत्या महिन्याभरात सादर करावा असे निर्देश […]

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