Nagpur :- Once again the alliance between Wockhardt Hospitals Nagpur and South Asian Liver Institute, has brought a much needed service to Nagpur & its surroundings. Although cadaveric transplantation has been available in Nagpur for over 2 years, every aspect of liver care, from liver cancer therapy; to cadaver transplantation; to regular living donor liver transplants under one roof has not been available before. Under this new programme led by Prof Dr Tom Cherian, Senior Liver Specialist & Transplant Surgeon, patients previously told that no curative options exists have been cured, patients who did not have time for cadaveric transplants have been transplanted etc. with excellent outcomes, over the last 6 months.

Mahendra Asati was under treatment of Dr Piyush Marudwar, who is senior consultant Gastroenterologist and liver specialist, before consulting him Mr Mahendra consulted half dozen of Gastroenterologist from different hospitals and from different cities,but he found Dr Piyush Marudwar and Wockhardt Hospitals Nagpur best .His condition was worsening day by day.His condition was such that his 1 year survival without transplant would have been only 10%. 3 weeks before transplant he was admitted in a serious condition in ICU .

Just last month, Mahendra Asati a 53 year old male patient with Cirrhosis was taken up for a living donor liver transplant (LT) at Wockhardt Hospitals Nagpur , by a team led by Dr Prof Tom Cherian. It was a bleak outlook for Mr Asati who had a rare AB+ve blood group and a failing liver with constant ICU admissions. His son, a young father himself and a potential donor; was initially unsure and apprehensive but was counselled and took up the noble gesture. It took significant contributions from Senior consultants such as Dr Piyush Marudwar Gastroenterologist; Dr Chetan Sharma Head of Critical care & Dr Avantika Jaiswal Anaesthetist along with a very dedicated nursing team providing round the clock care, which allowed the patient a relatively short post-op course of 10 days, who walked home with a new liver, a new lease of life and delighted family members.

This new service is important because previously if a liver patient was seriously ill and needed an urgent transplant, he or she did not have viable options locally. The waiting time for a cadaver liver was many months and occasionally people died whilst on the waiting list. Now if anyone needs an urgent transplant, any one of the suitable family members could be a donor and the transplant carried out immediately. Similarly until now a liver surgery service for complex liver tumours did not exist and many operable patients were being given non curative chemotherapy due to the lack of such surgical services. Now in a one stop liver clinic run by Prof Dr Tom Cherian almost every week, the best curative option for every patient is explored and the correct option is offered.

Prof. Dr. Tom Cherian, the Founder of South Asian Liver Institute, commented on the occasion “I am happy for patients in Central India that such services are now available. Living donor LT is possibly the most complex operation that is performed in the world. It is many times more complex than cadaveric transplantation because with living donors two people need to be made to live with one liver!! In order to perform such complex surgery well consistently requires infinite patience and lots of experience”. Prof Dr Tom Cherian has now been involved in Liver transplantation for two decades and performed over 700 liver transplants of which over 400 were carried out in London prior to him moving back to India. Prof Dr Tom Cherian was nominated a ‘LEGEND IN LIVER TRANSPLANTATION’ by Times of India in 2015.

Abhinandan Dastenavar ,Center Head, Wockhardt Hospitals Nagpur had this to say.. “We worked hard to provide the correct infrastructure for such complex surgery & are proud to be associated with this Liver Surgery programme and the difference it is bringing to people’s lives. I am hoping that we will be able to serve many more such patients in Vidharba”.

About Wockhardt Hospitals Ltd.:

Wockhardt Hospitals is a chain of tertiary care super-specialty hospitals with facilities in Nagpur, Rajkot, South Mumbai & North Mumbai. All Wockhardt Hospitals have state-of-the-art infrastructure and globally benchmarked processes to enable Patient Care & Safety. Wockhardt Hospitals Ltd. is a tertiary care hospital and one of the few professionally managed corporate hospital groups in the country which prioritizes patient safety and quality of care at the core of its strategy. The guiding philosophy is to serve and enrich the Quality of Life of patients.

Wockhardt Hospitals Nagpur has always worked with the spirit of giving back to the society in its chosen field of medical treatment. And keeping its vision firmly in mind, strives with excellence to meet the needs of the community. Wockhardt Hospitals Nagpur’s mission is to improve the quality of life of patients suffering from diseases and to serve them in a caring and nurturing environment with the help of innovative technology and human expertise, and to respect human life and its dignity.The entire team of Wockhardt Hospitals strives with integrity to achieve this.At Wockhardt Hospitals Life Wins and this is what Wockhardt Hospitals is all about.

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गोंदियाहून निघालेली लव्ह एक्सप्रेस नागपुरात घसरली

Mon May 29 , 2023
– लग्न करण्याचे स्वप्न भंगले, दोन्ही मुली सुरक्षित – लग्न करायला निघाले, पोलिसांच्या जाळ्यात अडकले नागपूर :-गोंदियाहून निघालेली लव्ह एक्सप्रेस नागपुरात रूळावरून घसरली अन् त्यांच्या स्वप्नाचा चुराडा झाला. सुसाट निघालेल्या लव्ह एक्सप्रेसला नागपुरात चाईल्ड लाईन प्रतिनिधीच्या रुपात लाल सिग्नल मिळाले. सतर्क होण्याआधीच प्रतिनिधीने त्यांची सखोल चौकशी केली आणि चौघेही पोलिसांच्या जाळ्यात अडकले. हा प्रकार रविवारी सकाळी नागपूर रेल्वे स्थानकावर घडला. […]

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