MOC, the largest chain of cancer daycares enters Nagpur.

Nagpur :-Mumbai Oncocare, the largest chain of cancer daycares in Mumbai and Maharashtra launched its new cancer daycare in Nagpur today, 4th December 2022, Sunday; at the esteemed hands of Hon. Minister of Road Transport and Highways, Nitin Gadkari. The senior most oncologist and the director of National Cancer Institute, Nagpur, Dr. Anand Pathak was invited as a Guest of Honour and was present at the ceremony. Chief Oncologist at MOC Nagpur, Dr. Makarand Randive, Director of Mumbai Oncocare, Dr. Ashish Joshi, Dr. Vashishth Maniar, Dr. Pritam Kalaskar and Dr. Kshitij Joshi along with oncologists of MOC, Dr. Chandrashekhar Pethe, Dr. Smit Sheth, Dr, Asmita Pethe, Dr. Mangesh Mekha and Dr. Pradip Kendre were present to bless the occasion.

Dr. Anand Pathak mentioned that he is overwhelmed with the entry of MOC in Nagpur. He mentioned, “Cancer incidences in Nagpur and peripheries are increasing rapidly. All these patients deserve timely diagnosis and world class treatment in an affordable cost. Hence I welcome MOC that they have come to Nagpur with a genuine intent to help all these patients. Dr. Anand Pathak congratulated Dr. Makarand Randive who is chief oncologist at MOC Nagpur, who will ensure patient care in the most convincing fashion.

Dr. Makarand promised to deliver cancer care of highest standards on this occasion. He mentioned while speaking to our reporters that 90% of the chemotherapies can be delivered on a daycare basis and patients do not require 24-hour hospital admission in that case. Treatment compliance improves in the process while MOC ensures all the safety protocols are maintained at all their cancer daycares. Patients can be given absolute comfort, physically, mentally and financially in this process.

MOC is a five year old organization that has dedicated all their services to the utmost care of cancer patients. MOC has 14 cancer daycares across Maharashtra, 18 medical oncologists in the current capacity and they have a legacy of treating over 2 lakh cancer patients so far.


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