Hockey – Maharashtra women’s team win over Karnataka Priyanka’s double goal

New Delhi :- Priyanka Wankhede’s brace helped Maharashtra women’s team beat Karnataka 3-1 in the final league match of the national sports games. But the Maharashtra team failed to reach the semi-finals. The first session ended in a goalless draw in this match. Then in the 27th minute of the second session, Priyanka scored Maharashtra’s first goal. But in the very next minute, Karnataka’s Nisha PC (in the 28th minute) scored through a penalty corner to make it 1-1 at the interval.

Then in the third session, both the teams failed to score a goal. In the fourth session, however, Maharashtra played an aggressive game to sustain the challenge.

In the 53rd minute, Priyanka scored through a penalty corner to increase Maharashtra’s lead to 2-1. Then two minutes later, Lalrindiki scored a field goal (55th minute) to add the third goal to Maharashtra’s account. Bhavna Khade of Maharashtra was shown a yellow card in this match.

From Group B, Jharkhand (10 points) and Punjab (7 points) qualified for the semi-finals. Maharashtra also earned 7 points. But Punjab advanced on goal difference.

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ऑलिम्पिक पात्रता पूर्ण करणे, हेच माझे मुख्य ध्येय- कोमल

Sun Nov 5 , 2023
पणजी :-ऑलिम्पिक क्रीडा स्पर्धेत सहभागी होणे, हेच प्रत्येक खेळाडूचे ध्येय असते. हे ध्येय साध्य करण्यासाठी अहोरात्र मेहनत करण्याची आणि त्याग करण्याची माझी मानसिक तयारी आहे. हे ध्येय नक्की साकार होईल, असे राष्ट्रीय क्रीडा स्पर्धेतील रौप्यपदक विजेती महाराष्ट्राची धावपटू कोमल जगदाळेने सांगितले. कोमलचे तीन हजार मीटर स्टीपलचेसमधील सुवर्णपदक फक्त दोन सेकंदांच्या फरकाने हुकले. कोमलने आतापर्यंत राष्ट्रीय स्तरावर दोन डझनापेक्षा अधिक पदकांची […]

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