Nagpur :-Three day PVC CUP – An Inter-School Futsal Tournament concluded in DPS MIHAN campus on January 31, 2025. The tournament featured intense matches between 40 teams from 28 schools in 3 age categories – Under 12 & 14 Boys and Under 17 girls, where DPS MIHAN dominated the tournament and clinched a triplet by winning all three finals.

The closing ceremony was graced by the online presence of the President and Pro Vice Chairperson of DPS MIHAN and Kamptee Road Tulika Kedia and Savita Jaiswal, Director of DPS MIHAN and Kamptee Road, where they congratulated the players for their spirited performance. Principal of DPS MIHAN Nidhi Yadav, commended the participants for their outstanding performance and commitment.The event was graced by the presence of  Adnan Ali, Senior Coach of Nagpur District Football Federation and General Secretary of VIP India Football Federation. He lauded the performance of the young footballers and appreciated DPS MIHAN to give platform to the players to show their football skills. He congratulated all the winners and the Sports Department of DPS MIHAN for successful conduction of the PVC Cup 2024-25.

In Under 12 Boys, DPS MIHAN had a dominant performance against DPS Kamptee Road and defeated them by a huge margin of 6-0. For his stupendous performance Aditya Bang of DPS MIHAN was awarded as the Best Goalkeeper while Daksh Yadav was judged the Player of the tournament.

In the under 14 Boys and Under 17 Girls, DPS MIHAN played against DPS Lava where under 17 DPS MIHAN Girls defeated DPS LAVA by a margin of 3-0. In the thriller between DPS MIHAN and DPS LAVA under 14 boys, DPS MIHAN demonstrated extra ordinary skills to beat DPS LAVA by 3 – 1. In under 14 Boys, Aryan Singh and Aditya Khambre was presented the Best Goalkeeper and Player of the tournament award. For girls Under 17 categories, DPS MIHAN’s Khwaish Bisen was declared Best Goal keeper and Arya Thakre of DPS Lava was awarded as the Player of the Tournament.

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‘जीबीएस’बाबत मनपाचा सतर्कतेच्या इशारा

Sat Feb 1 , 2025
– शहरातील सर्व रुग्णालयांना दिशानिर्देश जारी : घाबरू नका, काळजी घ्या नागपूर :- पुणे शहरात गुलियन बॅरी सिंड्रोमचे (जीबीएस) रुग्ण आढळून आल्यानंतर नागपूर शहरात देखील सतर्कतेच्या दृष्टीने नागपूर महानगरपालिकेद्वारे उपाययोजना करण्यात येत आहेत. मनपा आयुक्त तथा प्रशासक डॉ. अभिजीत चौधरी यांच्या निर्देशानुसार शहरातील सर्व रुग्णालयांसाठी दिशानिर्देश जारी करण्यात आलेले आहेत. पुणे शहरात गुलियन बॅरी सिंड्रोमचे (जीबीएस) रुग्ण झपाट्याने वाढत असल्याने […]

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