Give employment to youth with 3500 cc TV camera

– To improve the traffic system

Nagpur :- Big roads are being built in the country, but accidents are not reducing. The situation is more or less the same in the cities as well. There are more potholes on the roads. Many surveys of these accidents were done and work was also done on them. But the situation remains the same.

Environment Friend and Yoga threpist Dr. Pravin Dabli made an online nivedan to Road and Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari, Chief Minister Eknath Shinde, Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis, Nagpur City Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar and DCP (Traffic) using 3500 CCTV cameras in the city to help youth and facilities were provided to them. employment. Improvement in the city’s transport system has been requested.

Traffic police personnel busy taking photos

Dr. Pravin Dabli said in a statement that the traffic police constables on the city roads are engaged in taking photographs using mobile phones like a gang. They think by doing this people will follow the rules. It feels bad to see them in this condition. What is the job of traffic police? what are they doing? In this way we are wasting their potential.

Haste of school college became the reason for the accident

He said in the statement that from 6.30 am itself people from schools, colleges, employed people start coming on the streets in the city. Everything happens in a hurry. The condition of the roads and the absence of traffic police at the intersections compels them to break the rules in haste. In such a situation, the traffic police should be promptly deployed at all intersections at 6 am. His mere presence can deter people from breaking the rules.

Those five seconds are heavy

Due to less number of traffic police, many signals are not monitored by the police. On getting a chance, the driver breaks the signal and takes away the vehicle. This crowd of drivers is causing accidents. With five seconds left before the green light, drivers start making turns. Due to this, the vehicles coming from the direction in which the yellow light is on, also pass easily. The number of accidents that happen in those five seconds is high

Give employment opportunities to the youth

Dabli requested the administration that the Transport Department can provide employment opportunities to the youth. You can enforce traffic rules by issuing challan online. About 3500 CC TV cameras have been installed in the city. They can be used to their full potential to avoid accidents and follow traffic rules.

You can provide 24 hours employment to the youth studying computer science. The cameras at each intersection should be connected to a laptop in the CCTV control room. Call such unemployed youths to that hall every 2 hours at different times for 24 hours on that laptop and send challans to the drivers who violate traffic rules at that intersection and collect fine from them for whole day. Give 10 percent of the same amount of fine on each challan as gratuity to those unemployed youths.

This challan should be strictly recovered. So the challaner will not dare to break the traffic rules again. This will also provide employment to the youth and people will also understand the fear of traffic rules and follow them.

Check Registration at Zone Level

Many vehicles have wrong registration numbers. Such vehicles should also be inspected at the zone level, so that unauthorized vehicles can be removed from the roads. The capacity and expertise of the traffic police should be properly utilised. Appreciation and accountability should be fixed by reviewing their works at the zonal level. This work will help in avoiding accidents. Traffic system will improve and people will be aware.

576 accidents, 141 deaths in six months

He said that road accidents are increasing day by day in the city. And there were 576 accidents in the last six months. 141 people have died in this. 606 people were injured in these accidents. Not following the traffic rules and driving at high speed while driving is the cause of accidents. Every driver is struggling to reach the desired destination. However, accidents are often caused by rash and rash driving.

Most of the injured are women

Most of the injured in road accidents are young women and women drivers. In the last six months, 165 girls and women have been injured in accidents due to unbalanced vehicles. Last year this number was 138. It has come to the fore that most of the drivers who are victims of accidents are college students.

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कुख्यात गुंड स्थानबद्ध 

Thu Jul 20 , 2023
नागपूर:- नागपूर शहराचे पोलीस आयुक्त यांनी दिनांक १८.०७.२००३ रोजी जारी केलेल्या आदेशान्वये पोलीस ठाणे लकडगंज, कोतवाली, कोराडी, पांचपावली, इमामवाडा आणि सक्करदरा नागपूर चे हद्दीत शरीराविरुद्ध व मालमत्तेविरुध्द गुन्हे करणारा कुख्यात गुंड नामे रवि उर्फ काल्या वल्द मनोज महतो, वय २२ वर्षे, रा. दूसरा रोड, स्वीपर मोहल्ला, पो.स्टे. कोतवाली, नागपूर शहर यास महाराष्ट्र झोपडपट्टीदादा, हातभट्टीवाले, औषधी द्रव्य विषयक गुन्हेगार, धोकादायक व्यक्ती, […]

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