Nagpur City Police call on youth to reject drugs on World Drug Day

– Winning slogans from contest to be used by Police 

Nagpur :- “Learn to say no to drugs, the first time and every time.”, urged Aswathi Dorje (IPS), Joint Commissioner of Police, Nagpur city to youth on World Drug Day program held at Police Bhawan today. Nagpur city police Commissionerate organised the event in association with NGOs ‘Prakruthi Trust’ and ‘Maitrayee Deaddiction and Rehabilitation Centre’.

Alcohol and substance abuse are directly linked to road accidents, crime, and also prostitution, in the case of girls, opined Dorje. Youngsters get exposed to inebriation due to peer pressure, and fear of missing out and then get hooked. Self-restraint is the tool Dorje advised. Sanjay Patil (IPS), Addl Commissioner of Police (Crime), and Dr Shivaji Rathod (IPS), Addl Commissioner of Police (South) also spoke. On the dais were Pramodkumar Shewale (IPS), Addl Commissioner of Police (North), and Nimish Goyal, DCP, Crime Branch.

In accord with the United Nations theme of World Drug Day for this year, “Invest in Prevention”, City police collaborated with the Young India Unchained (YIU) Student council to organised an anti-drug slogan contest. YIU is a collective of over ten thousand college students of Nagpur engaged in community policing with city police for crime prevention.

Shivam Ekhande, Renuka Bangar, and Rushikesh Shinde from Datta Meghe Ayurved Medical College Hospital and Research Centre ; Khushi Katre from Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering ; and Isha Bais from MKSSS Sitabai Nargundkar college of nursing for women, stood winners of the contest and got felicitated by the dignitaries on the dais. City police will use the slogans written by these five students in the Police Didi and Police Kaka campaign, affirmed Aswathi Dorje.

The narcotics cell of the crime branch of city police administered an oath of a drug-free life to the attendees. Tushar Natu and Ravi Padhye from Maitrayee staged a skit with their group about addiction and its aftermaths. Umesh Jadhav from Alcoholics Anonymous and a handful of other people rehabilitated back from alcohol and drug addiction shared their experiences on this occasion. Gajanan Gulhane, Police Inspector, NDPS Cell, Crime Branch compered the program and proposed a vote of thanks.

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