Ministry of MSME, Govt. Of India has announced National Awards 2022 for the MSMEs.

Nagpur –  The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in India have undergone a vast development in last 5 decades registering a tremendous growth as well as the progress in terms of quality production, exports, innovation, product and process development.  Entrepreneurial efforts have made it possible to produce a number of items, which hitherto were imported.  The Indian entrepreneurs are very creative and innovative new products and processes as well as provide innovative services to remain competitive in domestic and global market.  This has become possible to encourage such innovative efforts and promote their spirit in larger interest of qualitative development of MSMEs.  Ministry of MSME recognizes the contributions of these entrepreneurs for their outstanding performance and motivates and encourage them by conferring awards at the National level.

                Awards for manufacturing Entrepreneurship (12 awards), Awards for service entrepreneurship (9 awards), Awards for special Category of Enterprises (14 awards) which includes Women Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurs belonging to SC/ST category, entrepreneurs belonging to “Divyang” category, Entrepreneurs belonging to States of NER and Awards for Institutional Support to MSMEs.  There are total 44 awards. Awards in the category of Enterprises will carry a Trophy, certificate and  prize money Rs. 1-3 lakhs.

                Eligibility and qualifying conditions: The eligible MSMEs will submit online application in the relevant category of awards.  An enterprise can apply for more than one category of award.

                The MSME winners of the awards shall have the privilege of allowing their employees to wear labels, pins, ties, logo or other distinctive badges with the symbol of the Awards indicating the year of award inscribed on it.  The entrepreneurs can also use the symbol on their letterheads or any advertisement issued along with the year of the award.  The amount of cash prize received by winners is exempted under Section 10(17) of Income tax Act, 1961.

                The hyperlink for inviting the online application in respect the National MSME Awards- 2022 is  Last date for online application is 20.04.2022.

For further details please contact-MSME-Development Institute, CGO Complex, Block ’C’, Seminary Hills, Nagpur-440006 Ph. 0712-2510352/2510046.

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