Large Scale Employment Opportunities Available in Infrastructure Sector” – Dr. Brijesh Dixit

NAGPUR :- Dr.Brijesh Dixit, MD Maha Metro was invited as the chief guest at the graduation ceremony of National Institute of Construction Management (NICMRA), Pune, today, 11th Nov 2022. NICMAR institute conducts postgraduate courses in Construction Management. Pune Metro project is one of the most ambitious projects in Pune and many construction management students have learned about the technical aspects of project of such a big scale through site visits and internships.Till date over 1200 engineering college students have gained the technical information on construction of Pune Metro through site visit. Also, over 300 engineering college students have done internship in Pune Metro.

Dr.Brijesh Dixit was the Chief Guest at the NICMAR Institute accompanying him were Ajit Gulabchand, Chief Trustee, NICMAR and Anil Kashyap, Director General, NICMAR. On this occasion Dr.Brijesh Dixit guided the students.

Dr. Dixit said that, ” In India while executing the infrastructure project, if the project management tools are not implemented properly then it becomes difficult to complete the project on time and within the planned cost. Also, Large scale digitization and use of IT has become mandatory in project management/ construction management.By using IT technology, it is possible to make a digital 3D model of the entire project and monitor the project very effectively. The use of 5D BIM (Five Dimensional Building Information Modeling) technology while implementing the Pune and Nagpur projects has made it possible to implement the project effectively.

While implementing the infrastructure project, it requires knowledge of multidisciplinary fields and various engineering branches. Therefore, teamwork is important to execute the and delivery such complex projects.Dr. Dixit further said that “India is developing at a very fast pace and in the next few years India is going to become a country with 5 trillion economies and will rank third in the ranking of the world economy. To achieve this growth rate, there is a large investment in the infrastructure sector and there are large scale employment opportunities in the field of construction management, project management. Today, graduates from NICMAR will have ample opportunity to work and contribute to this changing India.”

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Sat Nov 12 , 2022
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