Nagpur :- DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL, MIHAN held its Investiture Ceremony on Friday July 26, 2024, to inculcate the leadership qualities in the students and to give them a role as well as encourage them to develop a sense of duty towards the school administration.

Dr. Ravinder Singhal, Commissioner of Police, Nagpur city, graced the occasion as Chief Guest and addressed the gathering. He encouraged the young leaders to take up responsibilities diligently and perform their roles designated to them. He emphasized that students should also focus on maintaining physical health along with academic achievements. Considering the ongoing awareness of Drug abuse campaign, Dr. Ravinder Singal emphasised on not using the drugs which is spoiling the future of the generation. President and the Pro Vice Chairperson of DPS MIHAN and Kamptee Road Tulika Kedia and Director, Savita Jaiswal conveyed their blessings to the young representatives and hoped that they will put in their sincere efforts towards the duty designated to them.

Head Girl Pakhi Gaur, Head Boy Arnav Galphate, Vice Head Girl Siya Ghate, Vice Head Boy  Pranav Raj, Sports Captain boys Bhavya Turkar, Sports Captain girl Prisha Kaul, Sports Vice Captain boy Krithick Jayakumar, Sports Vice Captain girl SaiPanchkhade, Cultural Captain Boy and girl Adarsh Tiwari and Marvi Rathod. The Captains and Vice Captains of various houses were handed over the badges and sashes by the Chief Guest and other dignitaries. The Principal of DPS MIHAN Nidhi Yadav administered the oath to the newly elected school council. The newly selected leaders expressed their gratitude for being given the opportunity to serve the institution.

The magnificent ceremony featured a mesmerizing rendition by the school choir and a scintillating classical Bharatnatyam dance performance by the budding artists of the school.

The choir group of the school gave a mesmerising performance on the song ‘Warriors’.Siri Bhat , Vaibhavi Mandpe,  Akriti Singh and Arsh Deoghare compered theentire proceedings. The Head Girl Pakhi Gaur proposed the Vote of Thanks.

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कारगिल विजय दिनी “अमर जवान” स्मारकाची स्वच्छता

Sat Jul 27 , 2024
नागपूर :- भारतीय सैन्याच्या असीम शौर्याची आठवण जागृत ठेवणाऱ्या कारगिल विजय दिनानिमित्त नागपूर महानगरपालिकेच्या चमुद्वारे अमर जवान शहीद स्मारकाची व थोर हुतात्मा यांच्या पुतळयाला स्वच्छता करून समस्त हुतात्म्यांना आदरांजली अर्पण करण्यात आली. स्वच्छ, सुंदर आणि स्वस्थ नागपूर साकारण्यासह शहराच्या सौंदर्य करण्याच्या दृष्टीने नागपूर महानगरपालिका विशेष कार्य करीत आहे. 25 व्या कारगिल विजय दिनानिमित्त नागपूर महानगरपालिकेच्यावतीने अमर जवान शहीद स्मारकासह शहरातील […]

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