Governor Koshyari pays rich tributes to General Bipin Rawat at Condolence Meet

Mumbai – Describing General Bipin Rawat as a visionary military  General, Maharashtra Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari said that carrying forward the work of modernization of armed forces initiated by General Bipin Rawat will be a real tribute to him.

Governor Koshyari was speaking at a condolence meeting organised to pay tributes to General Bipin Rawat, the late Chief of Defence Staff and other officers at Raj Bhavan Mumbai on Saturday (11 Dec).

The Condolence meet was organised by the Himalaya Parvatiya Sangha to pay tributes to late Gen Rawat, Smt Madhulika Rawat and senior officers of armed forces who lost their lives in the helicopter crash.

Chairman of Himalaya Parvatiya Sangha Chamu Singh Rana and Resident Editor of Nav Bharat Times Sunder Chand Thakur and people of Uttarakhand origin were present.

The Himalaya Parvatiya Sangha is  a socio cultural organisation of people of Uttarakhand origin residing in Mumbai.

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Sun Dec 12 , 2021
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