Governor Bais calls for creating hostels for working women in city

– Will transform 20,000 villages under Village Transformation Scheme: Devendra Fadnavis

Mumbai :- Maharashtra Governor Ramesh Bais today called upon corporates and business organisations to create more hostels for working women in big cities to increase the participation of women in the workforce. The Governor also stressed the need for creating more toilets for women in public places and railway stations and building ramps for differently abled persons.

The Governor was speaking at the presentation of the Navabharat Group’s CSR Awards 2023 at Raj Bhavan Mumbai on Wed (19 April).

Speaking on the occasion, Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis expressed the resolve of his government to transform 20,000 villages in the State by reviving the Village Social Transformation Scheme.

Speaker of Maharashtra Legislative Assembly Rahul Narvekar, Chairman of Hinduja Renewables Shom Hinduja, CMD of Navabharat Group Nimish Maheshwari and Chairman of Yuvraj Dhamale Corp Yuvraj Dhamale were present.

The Navabharat CSR Awards were presented to Dr Neerja Birla, Founder and Chairperson of Aditya Birla Education Trust, Nadir Godrej, Chairman, Godrej Industries, Grace Pinto of Ryan Group, Apoorv Bajaj, Trustee, Bajaj Foundation, Purvez Grant of Ruby Hall Clinic, Rajesh Rathi, Satyanarayan Nuval, Shreya Ghodawat, Siddhesh Sharma, Dr Sanjay Patil and others.

The Governor launched the logo of the Navabharat Group on the occasion of the group stepping into its 90th year of publication.

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