Central Railway: QR Code and UTS App Facilities for Ticket and Parcel Booking

Nagpur :-Central Railway is committed to providing the best services to passengers and customers by embracing new technologies and driving digital transformation. Under the leadership of Divisional Railway Manager Vinayak Garg, Nagpur Division has introduced innovative services such as QR code-based payments and the UTS mobile app, making ticket and parcel booking more seamless and convenient.

*QR Code-Based Payment for Ticket Booking*

Passengers can now pay for their reserved or unreserved (general) tickets by simply scanning the QR code generated at the counter. This eliminates the need for cash or POS machine payments, saving passengers’ time and promoting digital transactions. The system ensures faster, secure, and hassle-free ticketing, enhancing the passenger experience.

*QR Code-Based Payment for Parcel Booking*

In a bid to promote digital payments, Central Railway has also implemented QR code-based payment facilities for parcel bookings.

Customers can now pay parcel booking charges by scanning the QR code.This ensures a quick, secure, and transparent payment process, simplifying the overall procedure for users.

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जमिनीबाबतचे मालकी हक्क देणारी स्वामीत्व योजना

Sat Feb 1 , 2025
नुकत्याच झालेल्या प्रजासत्ताक दिनी स्वामीत्व योजनेचे जिल्हयात 97 टक्के काम पुर्ण झाल्याची माहिती पालकमंत्री संजय सावकारे यांनी दिली. स्वामित्व योजना म्हणजे काय? या बदल माहिती देणारा हा लेख स्वामित्व योजना ही केंद्र पुरस्कृत योजना आहे. दिनांक २४ एप्रिल, २०२१ रोजी पंचायती राज दिनानिमित्त पंतप्रधान नरेंद्र मोदी यांनी स्वामित्व (प्रधानमंत्री स्वामित्व योजना) योजना सुरू केली. पंचायती राज दिनानिमित्त पंतप्रधानांनी व्हिडिओ कॉन्फरन्सिंगच्या […]

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