Sri Lankan High Commissioner meets Maharashtra Governor

Sri Lanka developing Ramayana and Sita Trail: Milinda Moragoda

Mumbai :-Sri Lanka is discussing the possibility of using the Indian Rupee for economic transactions and hopes that the move will help increase the flow of Indian tourists to Sri Lanka. The country is also considering developing the Ramayana Trail and a separate Sita trail. This was stated by Sri Lanka’s high commissioner to India Milinda Moragoda.

The Ambassador was speaking to Maharashtra Governor Ramesh Bais during a courtesy call at Raj Bhavan, Mumbai on Thursday (30 March).

The Ambassador said he is working closely with India’s Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar and Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, and added that the island nation is trying to get more investment from India.

The Ambassador said Sri Lanka has at least 40 places associated with Ramayana. He said there are 5 Shiva Temples in Sri Lanka, one of which in Trincomalee is believed to have been established by Ravana. He told the Governor that there is also a Buddhist temple in Sri Lanka where Vibhishana is worshipped. He said many Sri Lankans believe that Lord Buddha had visited Sri Lanka.

The Consul General of Sri Lanka in Mumbai Valsan Vethody was also present.

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Thu Mar 30 , 2023
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