Ministry of Defence approves 21 new Sainik Schools in partnership mode from academic year 2022-2023

New Delhi  – Ministry of Defence (MoD) has approved setting up of 21 new Sainik Schools, in partnership with NGOs/private schools/State Governments. These schools will be set up in the initial round of the Government’s initiative of setting up of 100 new Sainik schools across the country in partnership mode. They will be distinct from the existing Sainik Schools.

The objectives behind Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s vision of setting up of 100 new Sainik Schools is to provide quality education to the students in tune with National Education Policy and give them better career opportunities, including joining the Armed Forces. It also gives an opportunity to the private sector to work hand-in-hand with the Government towards nation building by refining today’s youth to become responsible citizens of tomorrow.

State/UT-wise list of 21 approved new Sainik Schools is annexed and can also be seen at 17 of these Schools are Brownfield running schools and 4 are Greenfield schools to be operational shortly. While NGOs/ Trusts /Societies have share of 12 approved new schools, 6 private Schools and 3 State Government owned schools find place in the list of such approved new Sainik Schools. Unlike existing Sainik Schools which are purely residential in nature, 7 new Sainik Schools are Day School and 14 such new approved schools have residential arrangements.

These new Sainik Schools, besides their affiliation to respective education boards, will function under the aegis of Sainik Schools Society and will follow the Rules and Regulations for new Sainik schools in partnership mode prescribed by the Society. In addition to their regular affiliated board curriculum, they will also impart education of Academic PLUS curriculum to the students of Sainik school pattern. Details pertaining to the modalities of operation of these schools are available at Willing students and parents are invited to visit the web portal and take advantage of this novel opportunity.

Admission process:

(A) Entry to new Sainik School pattern in these schools will be at class VI level only on the following lines.

(i) At least 40 percent of intake in class VI will be from candidates who have qualified the All-India Sainik School Entrance Examination conducted by NTA through E-Counselling.
(ii) Up to 60 percent intake will be from students enrolled in the same school and desirous of taking admission under this vertical of new Sainik Schools through a qualifying test, notification for which will be issued separately.

(B) Candidates qualified in All India Sainik Schools Entrance Examination -2022 are being informed at their registered email id with NTA, regarding opening of new approved Sainik Schools and the procedure for applying in these Schools. Such qualified candidates willing to take admission in new approved school of their choice will have to register themselves for e-counseling at https:/ Students will have to use their AISSEE -2022 application number for logging in and registering at the web portal after which the applicant student can indicate choice of up to 10 schools in order of priority for e-counseling. Schools will be allotted to registered applicants in order of the merit list for each school to the extent of seats to be filled in that school by the AISSEE 2022 qualified candidates. Qualified candidates of AISSEE 2022 willing to join new Sainik Schools are advised to check web portal regularly for all latest updates on e-counseling.

(C) For the students already enrolled in the new Sainik School and desirous of studying under this vertical of new Sainik Schools, admission will be provided on the basis of a qualifying test to be conducted shortly. The new Sainik Schools are being notified about the same separately to collect and provide details of such willing candidates, within the prescribed timelines, to the test conducting agency, details of which will also be available at the web portal https:/

Academic session for approved New Sainik Schools is likely to commence in first week of May 2022. Indicative timelines can be seen at web portal https:/

Portal for inviting applications for remaining new Sainik Schools for consideration in the next round is likely to be re-opened in the first week of April 2022. Willing schools/NGOs may go through the QRs, MoA and Rules & Regulations for the new Sainik schools in partnership mode which are available on the web portal. Schools /NGOs/Trusts/Societies etc. who have already registered and applied during first round need not apply afresh or pay registration fee again. However, such earlier registered applicants may go through the QRs, Rules and Regulations and MoA and update their data on web portal, with fresh inputs, if any.

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कोरोणामुळे जनमानसातील माणुसकी जागली- सुनिल केदार

Sun Mar 27 , 2022
संदीप कांबळे ,कामठी कामठी ता प्र 26:- सर्वत्र थैमान घातलेल्या कोरोना विषाणूचा प्रादुर्भाव नागपूर जिल्ह्यासह कामठी तालुक्यात पसरला असता कोरोना ची स्थिती नियंत्रणात आणण्यासाठी प्रशासनाला आपली कर्तव्यदक्ष भूमिका गांभीर्याने साकारावी लागली मात्र त्यापुढेही येथील कोरोना योद्धांनी अंगात असलेल्या करुणा, दया आणि सहानुभूती ला जागवून जाती पातीच्या भेदभावाला बाजूला सारून कौमी एकतेच्या भावनेतून कोरोना संसर्गाच्या काळात अनेकजण एकमेकांच्या मदतिसाठी धावून आले […]

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