Bengaluru :-Adventure activities have always been a part of military life. Irrespective of the location, troops of Indian Army have always taken part in challenging pursuits to maintain the spirit of adventure within them. Adventure activities certainly help in developing the leadership qualities like physical fitness and mental robustness and such experience definitely imparts some learning for personnel involved in it.

In celebration of the AZADI KA AMRIT MAHOTSAV and 11th Army Service Corps Reunion, the Army Microlight Expedition was flagged off on 30 Nov 2022.

The Army Microlight expedition team will cover a distance of more than 5000 Km in about 17 days to commemorate the AZADI KA AMRIT MAHOTSAV, 11th Army Service Corps Reunion and 262ndASC Corps Day at ASC Centre & College Bengaluru.

The challenging microlight flying expedition has been organized under the aegis of the Army Adventure Wing, which forms part of Deputy Chief of Army Staff (IS&C) by the FLYING RABBITS of the Army Adventure Nodal Centre (Microlight) Gaya.

This prestigious adventure Node specializes in the adventure sports of Microlight Flying and has undertaken many daring expeditions in the past. They are popularly known as FLYING RABBITS.

The expedition involves a cross country flight by a fleet of four Microlight aircrafts over aerial distance of more than 5000 Kms in about 17 days incl airshow/ maint halt. The expedition route will take the pilots over plains of Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, hilly terrain and plains of Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. The inclement weather and gusty winds make this an extremely challenging expedition.

Taking part in the trip will be experienced pilots of the Army including Colonel Laxmi Kant Yadav, (Team leader), Brigadier Sandeep Sinha, Colonel Rahul Mankotia, Colonel Vikram Sekhawat, SM & Naik Pardeep Singh. Other pilots include Colonel PP Singh, Colonel DS Phansalkar, Lieutenant Colonel Arun Prakash, Lieutenant Colonel BP Singh, Lieutenant Colonel Anup Kumar Singh, Lieutenant Colonel Amit Sangwan, Lieutenant Colonel Dipti Sharma, Major Piyush Sharma, Naik Yadav Vijay Kumar, Naik Ravi Chauhan, Naik Vipin Sharma, Sepoy Prafulla Phukkan along with the ground crew led by Subedar Vinod Kumar.

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