G 20 or C 20 In Nagpur???

– Stakeholders unaware about What, When and Where.

Nagpur – It was shocking as well as surprising to know that many bureaucrats, technocrats and other prominent so-called stake holders were dumb founded when they were asked about the upcoming G20 delegation that is supposed to visit Nagpur very soon. Approximately 20 countries represented by some two hundred odd delegates of theirs are expected to visit Nagpur in the month of March 2023.

India was chosen Unanimously for the G20 summit presidency for the year 2023, in the last summit that was held in Bali, Indonesia. India will host the summit in Delhi, with several other C20 meets happening all over the cities and states in India. Out of several other groups that fall under the banner of G 20, Nagpur will be hosting one such group namely C20.

Team News Today24x7 tried to interview prominent personalities from Nagpur, who otherwise can also be termed as the stakeholders of Nagpur City, to feel the pulse and get their views and comments on this meet that is scheduled to be hosted by Nagpur. Read below the views and what the stakeholders and contributors to Nagpur’s development had to share.

Radhakrishnan, B. Commissioner of Nagpur Municipal Corporation, also the local host to the C20 meet in Nagpur stated that this meet will be remembered as a golden Opportunity since out of 35 district places in Maharashtra, Nagpur is one of the four chosen cities to get this rare honor. Though there will be no discussions or decisions related to Environment or technology (unlike a G20 meet). The delegation is here solely for the purpose of pleasure. Nagpur will be showcased as a nice city by these delegates from distant countries as and when they return back to their own countries they have a wonderful view and experience to share about our city. Nagpur will be the host strictly following the saying “Atithee Devo Bhava” by ensuring that the delegates get a warm welcome and a never forgettable hospitality. The aim is to showcase Nagpur in a better light and also to get it recognized as a nice and warm city around the globe.

When asked,” why aren’t prominent people (even Khaki and Khadi) aware of this Grand event? “Radhakrishnan Stated that he cannot comment on it, “because of so many G 20 meetings are happening all over India so nobody can track each and every district, and C 20 was recently communicated as there were some communication confusions regarding the dates. Just recently the dates were communicated, and we are gearing up to present Nagpur as a nice city”

Sameer Meghe, MLA, BJP was very optimistic, when asked about his views about the benefits of G 20 meet in Nagpur. Though he too seemed to be less informed about the nature and the motive of the meet, and also had his share of confusion. He said that it’s a proud moment for India first of all and for Nagpur too, and as a Nagpurian, he takes great pride in the fact that Nagpur will be known all over the world due to this meet. Indians used to see G 20 being hosted all across the globe but now has got the privilege to host it in India.

He said that as far as he knows the G 20 meeting in Nagpur is to voice out and discuss tech and enviro related issues. But irrespective of whatever the agenda of the Delegates be, he reiterated G 20 meet in Nagpur to be a proud moment for us all and a good word of mouth for Nagpur by the delegates, will give Nagpur some recognition in other countries of the world.

Pankaj Rai , A young and dynamic Visionary too was not aware of the event and the agenda. He also commented that there is a strong need for proper communication and planning. He too voiced out that failure to give due credit to the people who have contributed in making Nagpur a City demotivates an individual from performing and contributing even more in the future. He also stated that sincere and hard efforts of the actual stakeholders often go unnoticed or else somebody else takes the credit and enjoys the appreciation. He recalls the magnificent and beautiful Futala promenade that we see today was once an eye sore littered with garbage and used by many as an open toilet. Today’s Beautified and one of Nagpur’s most frequented landmarks Futala is the living testimony of his hard work and passion for Nagpur City’s development. However, it hurts him that over the decades no credit was ever given to him for his contribution and people are not even aware that Whose efforts were there to give Nagpur its Landmark. He added that City’s are not made overnight, it takes more than 10 decades and contributions, no matter how big or small, by the stakeholders. Each effort such made should definitely be recognized and appreciated, and due credit be given to the person behind that effort. Stakeholders like businessmen, social activists etc. should be in coordination and equal participation with the delegation so that they stay motivated and continue with their great efforts in building the city. Who else can better address the issues of a family, rather than the family members themselves.

Nitin Tiwari, City President ShivSena also had his reasons to be upset with the G 20 meet in Nagpur. He said that the real heroes don’t get the slightest of recognition for their efforts and dedication in shaping Nagpur and making considerable contributions to the development of the city which somehow is demotivating. He too was also not very sure about the agenda and the date of the meet in Nagpur. However, he presented a point where he stated that the stakeholders should be the ones hosting the meet, because only they can properly explain the issues that needs to be addressed in details, where as someone not from the city and not aware of the issues that need attention, won’t be able to convey the need in depth to the delegates. His insistence was that since the Stakeholders are the “Karta Dharta ” of Nagpur, their involvement in the G 20 meet or any other matter that should concern or relate to Nagpur should be must. But the harsh fact remains that the Lime light is hogged by somebody else who hasn’t even contributed even an iota in Nagpur’s development. He said that G 20 meet is an attempt by some one to hog the limelight at the cost of someone else’s effort and hard work.

Abhijeet Wanjari, MLC, Congress was vaguely aware of the G 20. However, his specific message to the government through this article is to let the stakeholders and the MLC’s and MLA’s also be a part in the meeting and in the delegation Since they are the ones who can best explain the needs and concerns of Nagpur city.

Sangram Pankule, Youth leader of NCP, had a different view for this C 20 meet. He was blatant in mentioning that NMC is simply squandering money (public money) by carrying out senseless and unplanned activities in the name of beautification of the city under the garb of preparations for C 20 meet in Nagpur. The sudden callous and unplanned frenzy to cover the years old neglect and their pathetic civic administration, NMC is involved in a haphazard way of getting their planning and maintenance flaws covered and patched up. This insensitive approach is causing severe inconvenience to Nagpurians. Roads are being patched up, road dividers are being erected, Nodal and major roads are being closed without any prior notice to the Public and many such things that NMC is carrying out is just an eye wash (leepa potee) and a temporary, stop gap arrangement involving utter waste of taxpayer’s money and all of this is being done at the cost of Nagpurians convenience. He further added that such a senseless and unplanned splurging is meaningless and has no practical benefit to the citizens such as the painting of the metro pillars that cost a whooping 10000 crore for no avail, whereas the same amount could have helped in improving other issues demanding immediate attention. He said that this amount that was spent on painting the metro pillars could have been used to help each and every farmer in Maharashtra and could have seen that each and every farmer got minimum of 6ooo rupees per month, debited in their account as an aid. Also, issues such as the hundreds of non-functional traffic signals, traffic jams due to bottleneck roads that are a common sight after almost every second square and many other such tasks that require attention, but NMC is simply wasting money on those things which don’t have any practical importance, use or significance and all the beautification that is undergoing owing to the upcoming G 20 meet, is superficial, just a façade. Adding on he also mentioned that had the Civic administration come out of its slumber, these huge expenses that are being done now could have been curtailed if time to time the much needed was done. All these years of lethargy and corruption is definitely going to cost a lot. NMC is making a huge effort to hide their lackadaisical attitude and negligence towards the city’s needs, by foolishly spending on things to give Nagpur a good look that is just skin deep and fortunately for NMC, the instructions from high command to gear up for the G 20 gave them just the right chance to put all that is dirty under the carpet.

Proper communication about such prestigious events like G 20 etc. should be announced so that the local public too gets involved and co-operates with the local bodies and civil administration, which will facilitate smooth execution of tasks that somehow cause inconvenience to them without any complaints.

Our take on this is that the majority of the dignitaries that we interviewed were not completely aware of the G 20 Meet (Actually C 20) and the agenda of the 200 odd delegates that are visiting Nagpur from over 20 different countries. Almost the majority of the dignitaries with whom we interacted failed to mention that This meet in Nagpur, will Showcase Nagpur as the Tiger capital of India all over the Globe. Their knowledge is not being questioned because if an event of such a high significance is not even announced to the stakeholders of the city by the High Command, then obviously there is something seriously amiss and that is proper planning, coordination and execution. Somehow such ill publicized grand events give an impression of” being done for the sake of doing”

Team NewsToday24x7 tried to reach out many other prominent technocrats, bureaucrats and other personalities that were selected and elected by the citizens as the stake holders of Nagpur City. Unfortunately, they refrained from making a comment by not answering their phones when they were called as per the scheduled time that was fixed for the telephonic interview.

The question that arise in one’s mind are

 1: Aren’t they interested in voicing out their thoughts?

2: Are they evading questions since they are not aware of the event and the agenda of the meet?

3: Simply least bothered? They are too busy taking care of the tasks that best support their personal gains and interests?

4: They somehow find G20 an event not that important to invest their precious time discussing about?

Or could it be the case that Since no communication about this meet is made public, people are skeptical about it even being held………..


 @ file photo 

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