Nagpur :-  Maharashtra Artillery Battery, NCC of NCC Group Headquarters Nagpur has successfully completed CATC-601 for a duration of 10 days from 23 April to 02 May 2024 at Bhonsala Military School, Nagpur. Total 382 NCC cadets participated in the the NCCcamp and Colonel CPS Soemwal was the Camp Commandant.

During opening address, Camp Commandant explained the cadets the aim of CATC,which wasto introduce cadets to regimental way of life. This was achieved by collective training of NCC Cadets in order to develop a sense of responsibility, self-reliance, self-help and team-spirit. Besides above, Camp laid emphasis on developing qualities of leadership, character, discipline, and community living.

Participating cadet were made to undergo a rigorous camp routine which included morning physical fitness, outdoor military classes, interactive guest lectures and evening sports and competitions. Each participating cadet also undertook firing, obstacle course training and trekking.

The camp started with introductory lecture by Camp Commandant about “Indian Armed Forces” and “Life in Indian Army” followed by central guest lectures each day. The prominent guest lectures included “Modes of joining Armed forces”by Colonel Jagath Narayan, ARO, Nagpur, “Personality development and communication skills” by members NCC Golden Group and “Disaster Management” by NDRF (INDIA).

To inculcate the team spirit, numbers of competitions were conducted during the camp which included Firing, Drill, Tug of war, GK Quiz, extempore, singing, drawing & cultural program. On 01 May 2024, a colourful cultural program was presented by NCC Cadets in which Cadets displayed their artistic expertise.

On 27 Apr 24, the Camp was inspected by Wing Commander Deepika Rao. She appreciated the camp layout, administrative arrangements and all-round training conducted for cadets. She also conducted a lecture on her glorious journey starting from a NCC cadet who participated in RDC and Best Student in Youth Exchange Programme (YEP) to joining Indian Air Force as helicopter Pilot. Besides above Wing Commander also scaled Mt Everest and a trained scuba diver.

On 02 May 24, the closing ceremony was conducted in which Camp Commandant summarised the activities carried out in camp, appreciated the participants and awarded the all meritorious cadets for their performance in variouscompetition. Finally, CATC-601 culminated with a Group Photograph and bid farewell to each other with mixed emotions.

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स्वामी चिन्मयानंदजी का 108 वां जयंती उत्सव 5 से 8 मई तक

Sat May 4 , 2024
नागपुर :- चिन्मय मिशन नागपुर की ओर से स्वामी चिन्मयानंद जी के 108 वें जयंती उत्सव का आयोजन 5 से 8 मई तक अमृत भवन, आंध्रा एसोसिएशन, उत्तर अंबाझरी मार्ग में किया गया है। चिन्मय मिशन नागपुर के केंद्रप्रमुख ब्रह्मचारी सुचेत चैतन्य के अनुसार 5 मई को सुबह 7 भजे रामनगर स्थित चिन्मय सदन से प्रभातफेरी निकाली जाएगी जो रामनगर […]

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