Nagpur :- The 9th International Yoga Day was celebrated with great enthusiasm under the aegis of Headquarters Uttar Maharashtra and Gujarat Sub Area on 21 Jun 2023 with max participation of all units including Kamptee, Pulgaon, Bhusawal, Devlali and other Stns of Gujarat. Major General SK Vidyarthi, AVSM, SM, General Officer Commanding, Uttar Maharashtra & Gujarat Sub Area alongwith soldiers, ladies & children, took part in the event. The event was conducted in association with Yoga For Yourself Foundation and the enthusiastic Army veterans and their families from Nagpur.

The participants undertook various Asanas, Pranayama (Breathing exercises) and Dhyana (Meditation) to focus on both physical and psychological dimensions of Yoga. The event was an opportunity to emphasize India’s contribution of Yoga and holistic well being to the world. It is also provide a springboard to interested individual to practice the discipline of Yoga in the ensuing time.

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माहुरझरी अमृत सरोवरावर जागतिक योग दिवस साजरा तणावमुक्तीसाठी योगाभ्यास आवश्यक - रविंद्र ठाकरे

Wed Jun 21 , 2023
नागपूर :- आजच्या धावपळीच्या जीवनशैलीमुळे वाढलेला तणाव घालविण्यासाठी रोज योगाभ्यास करणे आवश्यक असल्याचे मत महात्मा गांधी राष्ट्रीय ग्रामीण रोजगार हमी योजनेचे आयुक्त तथा आदिवासी विकास विभागाचे अपर आयुक्त रविंद्र ठाकरे यांनी आज व्यक्त केले.           स्वातंत्र्याच्या अमृत महोत्सवानिमित्त प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी यांच्या संकल्पनेतून प्रत्येक जिल्ह्यात 75 अमृत सरोवरांची निर्मीती करण्यात आली. याअंतर्गत माहुरझरी येथील अमृत सरोवरावर योग […]

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