Nagpur :- The annual training camp for NCC cadets of No 2 (Mah) Air Squadron NCC, Nagpur is being conducted at Saoner from 12 June to 21 June 2023. More than 350 cadets from 9 schools and various colleges from Nagpur are undergoing training in the camp. The annual training camp is conducted with the objective of imparting centralized training to cadets from various schools and colleges in various NCC related activities.

During the camp, the cadets trained in various activities like Physical Training, Drill, Firing, Aeromodelling and trekking. The cadets are also trained in First Aid and Disaster Management. Lectures and demonstrations are conducted on Road Safety, cybercrime and Fire Fighting. Flying demonstration of Aero models was also conducted in order to instigate curiosity in the young minds towards aviation. All cadets were given kits of chuck gliders and were made to construct and fly their own aero models.

The cadets also took part in various competitions like Best Cadet, Cross country running, Drill, Drawing and rifle firing. Activities like Swachh Bharat Abhiyan were conducted to make the cadets aware of their social responsibilities. The camp will conclude with the traditional Camp Fire night on 20 June wherein the cadets will get an opportunity to showcase their talents in cultural activities.

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Mon Jun 19 , 2023
नागपूर :- हाल ही के बजट में मोदी सरकार ने घोषणा की है कि 2047 तक हमारा देश सिकल सेल मुक्त हो जायेगा। उसके लिए सिकलसेल मिशन के तहत 2027 तक 7 करोड़ लोगों की जांच की जाएगी। यह एक स्वागत योग्य कदम है और हमारे देश में सिकलसेल रोग की रोकथाम पर इसका बड़ा प्रभाव पड़ेगा, पिछले कुछ वर्षों […]

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