Nagpur :- As on date there are 860 public wells spread across the city of Nagpur. These wells, under the jurisdiction of Nagpur Municipal Corporation, are mange by 2 Departments viz.
1. Water Work Department (for use other than Drinking purpose) – 713 wells
2. Health Department (breeding of Gappi fish)- 134 wells
13 wells are in dry condition, which NMC is planning to use for ground water recharge with technical advice of GSDA.
Out of 713 wells, 212 nos of wells were cleaned in the year 2019, 54 nos of wells were cleaned in the year 2020, 79 nos of wells were cleaned in the year 2021, 85 nos of wells were cleaned in the year 2022 and 183 nos of wells were cleaned in the year 2023.
As per policy made by the Hon’ble Commissioner the wells are to be cleaned once in 3 years. Accordingly, all wells except those that were cleaned in the year 2022 and 2023 have been taken up for the cleaning this year i.e. 446 wells.
A budget provision of Rs. 1.52 crore has been sanctioned by the Municipal Commissioner, NMC for the same.