Aditya Bioinnovation wins “Best innovative agri startup “at Agri-Food Empowering India Awards 2021

Chandrapur – Aditya Bioinnovation was awarded the ‘Best innovative agri start-up” at Agri-Food Empowering India Awards2021 on 12 th November 2021 for its research in herbal based plant protector and bio- stimulants in nano form which reduces the dependency of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.The award recognises excellence and innovative concepts in production of eco-friendly , human friendly herbal based plant protector and bio stimulant in nano form . The award scheme has been conceptualised inassociation with various Government of India agencies under the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare and Ministry of Food Processing Industries.

The award was presented by the esteemed Chief Guest Shri. Prahlad Singh Patel, Hon’ble Minister of State for Food Processing Industries and Jal Shakti of India at New Delhi..

Aditya Bioinnovation has been recognized for their plant based innovative solutions in the field of agri inputs –(plant protector and bio -stimulant) which reduces the dependency of chemical fertilizers by 50% and pesticides and idea for organic farming . The products are low volume,high efficiency eco-friendly, human friendly at affordable cost to farmers. Aditya Bioinnovation received Indian patents in two products in 2019 -20.USP of their products:Low volume – high potential: – Eco friendly ,ingredients are natural used as medicine ,Easy to carry as volume is low,Can reduce chemical fertilizer use by one third , if applied with fertilizer,Transportation cost will be low ,Poison free food .

Delighted with the achievement, Dr Surjyoti Bagchi , Co-founder&Technical Advisor and Mr.Vikas Gupta Director of Aditya Bioinnovation  said, “We are honored to receive the “Best innovative agri start-up” at Agri-Food Empowering India awards 2021. This awardis an acknowledgement of our efforts towards innovative eco-friendly Agri inputs in India and has given us immense joy and motivation to do further work in organic farming in India. We are further looking forward to do plant protection solutions in Tea and coffee which is suffering a lot due to pest attack. We aim to contribute to the agriculture growth in India andempowerment of smallholder Indian farmers through our innovativesolutions.”

About Start-up: Aditya Bioinnovation Pvt Ltd founded in 2017-18 by three entrepreneur and was commercialised its product in 2019. The start-up was incubated at Indira Gandhi Agricultural University Raipur, and received Grant from Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India in 20-21. The start up has 09 products in its portfolio Start-ups received two Indian Patents for its products in 19-20. The start- up was Shortlisted at Copenhagen Schools of Entrepreneur in Feb 2020 forincubation programme, at Denmark and Xynteo Exchange /India 2022.


Plant vitaliser in liquid and globules for ground applications ( product
validated at ABF ,Agriculture University campus ,Hyderabad )


Prevent plants from biotic and abioticstress and prevent dropping of
flowers and fruits

Specially formulated to prevent Tobacco mosaic virus in chilli

Immunity builder and plant protector against pink cotton bowlwormand
fruit borer and shoot borer

Prevent plants from Fungal attack

Immunity builder and plant protector against sucking pests

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सी.ए. रोडवरील मेट्रो स्टेशनवर बाबासाहेबांचे सुधारित नामफलक लावा - ॲड. धर्मपाल मेश्राम यांचे मेट्रोच्या व्यवस्थापकीय संचालकांना पत्र

Wed Nov 24 , 2021
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