30% Discount on Metro Fare on Gazetted Holidays

NAGPUR :- With Weekend Discount and Students’ Concession already in place, Maha Metro has now decided to give a 30 per cent discount on metro rail fares to commuters on Gazetted Holidays. This has been done to make Metro travel cheaper for Nagpur residents. This facility would be in effect from 14th April – birth anniversary of Bharat Ratna Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar.

This apart commuters can also avail of `Weekend Discount’ on 15th and 16th April 2023 – Saturday and Sunday. Thus commuters can avail of 30 % discount for three consecutive days beginning 14th April.

It is often not possible to plan outing with family during working days. Such opportunities give Nagpurians chance to travel by Metro in large numbers by taking advantage of such discount offers. Thus Gazetted Holidays would provide citizens a chance to move around in the city at cheaper rates.

Metro services are operational in all four directions of the city from 6 am to 10 pm. Not only are school/college students allowed to carry bicycles while traveling in Metro trains, but students can also avail of 30 percent discount on the fares.

Maha Metro has provided Maha Card for convenience of metro passengers. Passengers can get Maha Card instantly from any station through necessary documents. Maha Card offers 10 % discount on passenger fares. Maha Metro appeals Nagpurians to take advantage and avail 30 % discount in fares while travelling.

Contact us for news or articles - dineshdamahe86@gmail.com


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