Indian Coast Guard carries out successful mid sea medical evacuation of a Chinese national off Mumbai

New Delhi :- The Indian Coast Guard has successfully conducted medical evacuation of a Chinese national from a Panama flagged research vessel, MV Dong Fang Kan Tan No 2, around 200 Kms in Arabian sea off Mumbai on the intervening night of 16-17 Aug 23. The evacuation was carried out amidst challenging weather conditions and dark night.

The Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre in Mumbai received information that one of the crew, named Yin Weigyang, onboard the research vessel had cardiac attack and required urgent medical attention. The communication was established immediately with the vessel which was enroute from China to UAE and provided necessary telemedicine advice.

Considering best feasible options for speedy evacuation and subsequent medical management, the patient was airlifted by CG ALH MK-III, and was administered with first aid. He was later transferred to agent of the vessel for further medical management.

The swift operation undertaken by CG ALH and CGAS Daman during the dark hours enabled the saving of a precious life of a foreign national at sea, reaffirming the Indian Coast Guard’s commitments to the motto “We Protect”.

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Election Commissioner, Arun Goel attends International Conference on ‘Preserving Information Integrity and Public Trust in Elections’ in Brasilia, Brazil

Thu Aug 17 , 2023
New Delhi :- The Election Commissioner of India, Shri Arun Goel, has participated in a significant international conference focused on “Preserving Information Integrity and Public Trust in Elections.” The conference held in Brasilia, Brazil during August 14-15, 2023 was hosted by the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) and Tribunal Superior Eleitoral, Brazil. Arun Goel addressed the participants on “Mapping […]

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