Nagpur :- Sitabuldi Fort was opened to the Public on 01 May 2024 being observed as Maharashtra Day. Approx 1184 Nagpurians visited the fort. The increase in numbers on historical events adds to the grandeur of Sitabuldi Fort, a historic fort in the middle of Nagpur town. This fort is now a beautiful tourist attraction which reminds us of the greatness of the British Architects.

For the first time the Army introduced school children to act as guides for the visitors. These children were initially trained and briefed about the Maratha history, Sitabuldi Fort and the battle fought between Marathas and Britishers. The visitors were thrilled to learn from these students and their conduct in organizing this event.

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महाराष्ट्र दिनानिमित्त मनपात ध्वज वंदन

Wed May 1 , 2024
नागपूर :- महाराष्ट्र राज्य स्थापना दिनाच्या वर्धापन दिनानिमित्त बुधवारी (ता. १ मे) मनपा मुख्यालयात अतिरिक्त आयुक्त आंचल गोयल यांच्या हस्ते ध्वज वंदन झाले. याप्रसंगी उपायुक्त प्रकाश वराडे, डॉ. रंजना लाडे, मिलिंद मेश्राम, डॉ. गजेंद्र महल्ले, मुख्य अग्निशमन अधिकारी बी.पी. चंदनखेडे, अधीक्षक अभियंता मनोज तालेवार, कार्यकारी अभियंता लीना उपाध्ये, अल्पना पाटणे, वैद्यकीय आरोग्य अधिकारी डॉ. दीपक सेलोकर, अतिरिक्त वैद्यकीय आरोग्य अधिकारी […]

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