AOP Nagpur &Nelson Hospital organised CME on pulmonology

Nagpur :- Privileged to witness the grand opening of paediatric pulmonology department at Nelson hospital under mentorship of Dr Satish Deopujari stalwart paediatrician And Dr Charde to lead the department.

The Pulmonology Department has been equipped with all state of art pulmonology facilities like PFT, FeNO, Impulse Oscillometry, Bronchoscope (Flexible and Rigid), Polysomnography (PSG), Asthma clinic and Sleep clinic. So all paediatric respiratory ailments can be treated under one roof.

Dr Atul Vaidya , Director of NEERI was the chief guest.  Dr Vijaysekaran world renowned paediatric pulmonologist from Chennai was guest of honour.

Renowned paediatrician & academician Dr Uday Bodhankar and Dr D N Agrawal graced the occasion and encouraged us.

At this moment, NEERI and Nelson hospital decided to do research for betterment of asthmatic children as a joint venture.

This was followed by CME on paediatric pulmonology at IMA hall organised by Academic of Paediatrics, Nagpur. Dr Vaidya ,Dr Vijaysekaran , Dr Deopujari , and Dr Charde were speakers for the event.

Paediatric asthma and environment were discussed in detail. It was a full house event and students from as far as Wardha and Indore attended the CME.

This was followed by hands on workshop on PFT where nuances of pulmonary functions were discussed with participants with Dr Charde, Dr Vijaysekaran and Dr Deopujari ,AOP Nagpur and Nelson Hospital organised CME on pulmonology

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भंगार गोदामाला भीषण आग; प्लास्टिक व अन्य वस्तू जोडून खाक..

Wed Jun 7 , 2023
वर्धा :-  वर्ध्यातील औद्योगिक वसाहतीत असलेल्या भंगार गोदामाला सकाळी ८ वाजताच्या सुमारास भीषण आग लागली. आगीत गोदामातील भंगाराचे साहित्य तसेच प्लास्टिक अन काही लाकूड जळून खाक झाले. गोदाम मालकाचे जवळपास एक ते दीड कोटी रुपयांचे नुकसान झाल्याचा अंदाज वर्तविण्यात आला आहे.ही आग इतकी भीषण होती की धुराचे लोळ उठले होते. वर्धा औद्योगिक वसाहतीतील  वसीम यांच्या मालकीचे भंगार प्लास्टिक व लोखंडी […]

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