VED Welcomes New Members at Ayan Farm Orientation Programme

Nagpur :-The New Members Orientation Programme was organized by VED at the iconic location Ayan Farm on 1st September 2024 from 11am onwards, hosted by Founder President Govind Daga.

More than 35 new annual and life members have been added to the VED council since April 2024 this year. They were given an orientation about VED and its thrust areas and future plans at the pictorial by Founder President Govind Daga, Past Presidents, and Founder Trustees of VED on different topics for information and learning for new members. President Rina Sinha welcomed the dignitaries. The VED Sankalp was read by Atul Tajpuriya.

Founder President Govind Daga spoke on how VED was formed and how he visualized the entire concept and mobilized a team that would uplift the economy of Vidarbha! Govind Daga has been the visionary of VED and its existence.

PP Vilas Kale, who held the team together for 12 years, spoke about tourism, the hurdles and successes that they faced in getting MIHAN, mining policies, the orange festival, Waigaon Haldi popularity, etc., activated through approaching the various stakeholders with a never say die attitude!

PP Devendra Parekh spoke about the Chintan Shodhan series that they did, Wagh Utsav as VED played a pivotal role in making Nagpur the Tiger Capital of India. VED facilitated the introduction of reputed higher education institutions like IIM, NLU, IIIT, etc. in Nagpur.

PP Shivkumar Rao talked about VED’s thrust area in logistics and gave insights on the road ahead and motivated the members to take areas of interest and take the initiative to lead VED. VED provides a great platform to all for the cause of economic development of Vidarbha.

Founder trustee Prafull Kumar Kale talked about why the new members should join VED and what the benefits to the region are and the contributions that one can make.

Founder Vice President and Secretary Dilip Kamdar brought in tremendous energy talking about the first ever consumer expo that VED organized on industry, etc., where more than one lakh visitors attended highlighting the teamwork and the enthusiasm of the team who were the movers and shakers of economic development of the region.

President Rina Sinha highlighted the various legacies and genesis of VED and talked about her experience in being the convener for most of the seminars and conclaves line advantage Vidarbha, IT and ITES, as well as bridging the industry-academic gap.

She shared her team’s future plans of organizing a tourism seminar on “Vidarbha’s tourism is its gateway to economic development” and a mining seminar on “Making Vidarbha a skill development hub”.

Strengthening VED thrust areas and making new developmental strategies in Gadchiroli, Sindi dry port, medical tourism, right to service, education, etc., and urging all members to work together with missionary zeal to make the programs successful.

New members Jesal Thaker, CA Premlata Daga, CA Gaurav Daga, and Gaurav Taori were inducted on the occasion. Newly inducted members introduced themselves to the other new members committing their contribution and working together with VED.

During the Question & Answer session, Nivedita Singh and Harish Thakur raised their concerns regarding environment and labor laws, respectively.

President Rina Sinha presented a Memento to Founder President Govind Daga.

Amit Parekh , Secretary General, proposed a formal vote of thanks and sincere gratitude to the host and founder President Govind Daga, and the galaxy of Past Presidents , Founder Trust, Founder Vice President, all executive committee members and all new members for participating in the Orientation Programme.

Meeting concluded with a grand group photo under the statue of veteran Shri Kasturchand Daga followed by lunch hosted by Govind Daga.

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