KIMS-KINGSWAY Hospitals, Hosts First workshop on ECMO

– A novel therapy in Severe Respiratory failure!

Nagpur :-KIMS-KINGSWAY Hospitals is conducting First ever ECMO workshop in Central India. ECMO stands for Extracorporeal Membrane oxygenation therapy. A novel therapy that comprises of passing of blood from patients body to oxygenator and returning back to the patient, this improves oxygen levels and remove excess CO, from blood. Broadly speaking ECMO is of 3 types VW ECMO, VA ECMO & Hybrid ECMO. This novel treatment modality which is being in practice since last 25 years in world, has become popular during swine flu endemic and saved many lives in our country. Subsequently during COVID this treatment modality was only saviour in saving lives of the patients and also worked as a bridge to buy time for those who needed lung transplant. The patients who will be benefited by VV type of ECMO are patients with Severe Pneumonia (either viral or bacterial) leading to lung damage, a condition called as ARDS. Such patients had drop in oxygen levels despite full ventilator support. In such Patients initiation of ECMO can lead to saving their life. Other type of ECMO can also help in support of circulation in cardiac failure..

KIMS-KINGSWAY Hospitals which is Quaternary care hospital, has dedicated ECMO program unit, that comprises of Full time team of certified ECMO specialists, Cardiothoracic surgeons, Perfusionist, nursing team, rehabilitation therapist that has catered to almost 20 patients on ECMO so far. The survival or outcome of patients depends on meticulous patient selection, early initiation of the treatment modality.

To understand this modality better and also to increase the awareness of this new innovative technology and educate the medical fraternity of central India, we are proud to announce First ever workshop on Extra Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation-2023 workshop (ECMO) at KIMS-KINGSWAY Hospitals, Nagpuron 9th December 2023. The workshop includes galaxy of lecture on need, indications, insertion technique, clinical application followed by hands on experience on individual stations for all the participants.

The Organising Chairman Dr Rajan Barokar, Head, Department of Critical Care Medicine, KIMS- Kingsway Hospitals, Nagpur informed in his press release that who’s who of Critical Care and ECMO society will be gracing this workshop as a mentor and faculties. Speaking about the details Dr Barokar said the workshop will be graced by Prof Dr Manimala Rao-Director-Medical education & Academics. KIMS hospitals Hyderabad, as Patron & Chief Guest. Dr Lalit Waghmare, Vice Chancellor, DMIMS University Sawangi, Wardha; Dr Sambit Sahu, Medical Director, KIMS hospital, Secunderabad, Dr Rajkumar Khandelwal, Managing Director, KIMS-Kingsway hospitals, Nagpur has consented with their presence as Guest of honour.

Faculties for the workshop include Dr Sambit Sahu, Hyderabad; Dr Rakesh V, Hyderabad; Dr Prabhat Dutta, Hyderabad, Dr Munish Chauhan, FMRI, Gurgaon, Dr Pooja Wadhwa, FMRI, Gurgaon and from Nagpur; Dr Anant Singh Rajput, Dr Afzal Sheikh, Dr Ashwinikumar Khandekar, Dr Nirmal Jaiswal, Dr Swapna Khanzode, Dr Sanjeev Bais, Dr Ramesh Hassani, Dr Sagar Chopde, Dr Sandeep Gajbe, Dr Virendra Belekar, Dr Rashmi Agrawal, Dr Vijaya Lanje,  Mankar,  Nurse Stevan,  Nurse Ajin, and Dr Rajan Barokar, organising Chairman & Dr Virendra Belekar,  Consultant Intensivist, Dr Rashmi Agrawal, Consultant Intensivist, who are coordinating this workshop appealed everyone to get register for this unique opportunity. Dr Barokar, also expressed his desire to make KIMS-Kingsway Hospital, Nagpur as a centre of Excellence in ECMO therapy.

The team also disclosed about their ongoing preparation for the dedicated 2 days workshop and one day conference on “ARDS, newer modalities and ECMO” next year 6th, 7th & 8th December 2024 with International & National faculties.

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राज्यपाल रमेश बैस यांचे मुंबईकडे प्रस्थान

Thu Dec 14 , 2023
नागपूर :- राज्यपाल रमेश बैस यांनी आज गुरुवारी सकाळी डॉ.बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर आंतरराष्ट्रीय नागपूर विमानतळावरून मुंबईला प्रस्थान केले. ते तीन दिवसाच्या विदर्भ दौऱ्यावर आले होते. आज विमानतळावर विभागीय अतिरिक्त आयुक्त माधवी खोडे – चवरे, विशेष पोलीस महानिरिक्षक डॉ. छेरिंग दोरजे, पोलीस अधीक्षक हर्ष पोद्दार, अतिरिक्त जिल्हाधिकारी आशा पठाण यांनी त्यांना निरोप दिला. Follow us on Social Media x facebook instagram

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