Gadchiroli police force recovered Rs. 27 lakh 62 thousand from 2 suspects.

Gadchiroli: Gadchiroli police force recovered Rs. 27 lakh 62 thousand from 2 suspects. Seized 2 thousand after 30 September 2023 as per the decision taken by the Government of India. Notes will be withdrawn from circulation. So citizens are currently paying Rs.2,000. The notes are being exchanged from the bank. In this background, the money illegally collected by the Maoists is being transferred from different places through the people. In many places these amounts of Maoists have been seized. Today on 05/07/2023 at 02.00 PM. On the basis of a received confidential information, when the Special Mission Team personnel blockaded Aheri, illegal money of 27 lakh 62 thousand rupees was recovered from 2 suspects.

The detailed information is that the suspect is 1) Name Rohit Mangu Korsa, age 24 years, Res. Dhodar T. Etapally Distt. Gadchiroli, 2) Named Biplav Gitish Sikdar, Aged 24 Years, Res. Pavar Dist. Kanker (Ch. C) was traveling on a motorcycle when he was questioned during the blockade and he had Rs. 2,000. 607 Notes Total Amount Rs.12,14,000/- 500Rs.3072 Notes Total Amount Rs.15, 36,000/- 200 Rs. 7 notes total amount 1400/- Rs. And 100 Rs. 106 Notes Total Amount Rs.10,600/- 27, 62,000/- (Twenty Seven Lakh Sixty Two Thousand Rupees) was collected from him. When questioned about such a large amount, he could not give a suitable answer. On further investigation, it was found that this amount belongs to the Maoist organization banned by the Government of India and it has been given to change 2000 rupee notes. The process of filing a case under the UAPA Act against both the suspects is underway and the Gadchiroli police force is conducting further investigation.

From this it can be seen that Maoists never fought for the welfare of the people, their fight was only for money, to gain power, to exploit the poor tribals, and they never used the money collected through extortion from different contractors for the development and welfare of the people. Maoists have used this money only to commit anti-national acts against the Government of India and for their own interests. Gadchiroli Police Force appeals to all the citizens not to fall prey to the false illusions of Maoists and any illegal 2000 Rs. If you want to change the notes, contact the nearest post/subpost/pomke.

The said action Superintendent of Police Gadchiroli Nilotpal ,  Additional Superintendent of Police (Campaign)  Anuj Tare , Additional Superintendent of Police (Administration)  Kumar Chinta , Additional Superintendent of Police Aheri Yatish Deshmukh Under the guidance of Gadchiroli police.

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