Gadchiroli Police arrests one hardcore Maoist carrying Rs. Six Lakhs reward

– Government of Maharashtra had announced a total reward of Rs 06 Lakhs for her arrest.

Gadchiroli :- CPI (Maoists) are observing their Tactical Counter Offensive Campaign from February to May. During this period, Maoists undertake various activities against the government, such as destroying government property, arson and attacks on security forces etc. In this context, on 25/02/2024, Gadchiroli Police successfully arrested one hardcore woman Maoist who was actively involved in several violent incidents against security forces.

A case was registered at PS Bhamragad Cr. No. 37/2023 under Sections 307, 353, 143, 147, 148, 120 (b) of the IPC, Sections 3/25, 5/28, 8/27 of the Arms Act, Sections 3, 4 of the Explosives Act and Sections 13, 16, 18 (a) of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act in connection with the Police-Maoist exchange of fire that took place in Kedmara forest area, Bhamragad last year in April 2023. Maoist named Rajeshwari alias Kamla Padga Gota, aged 30, R/o. of Bada Kakler, Tah. Bhopalpattanam, District Bijapur (Chhattisgarh) has been arrested yesterday i.e, on 25/02/2024 by Gadchiroli Police in this mentioned offence.

Further investigation revealed that she was directly involved in the firing on police parties in Kedmara forest area on 30/04/2023 in which Gadchiroli Police had successfully neutrilized 03 hardcore Maoists in retaliation. Additionally, she was directly involved in the firing on police parties that took place in the Kachalaram forest area under the jurisdiction of PS Toynar, Distt. Bijapur (Chhattisgarh), and she was arrested in the year 2019 in connection with the said encounter.

Information about the Arrested Maoist:

1. Name: Rajeshwari @ Kamla Padaga Gota

 Tenure in Maoist Organization:

 In 2006, she was recruited as a member of Chetana Natya Manch and became active in the Maoist movement.

 In 2010-11, she was promoted as a Dy. Commander of Chetna Natya Manch.

 In 2016, she was transferred to Farsegarh LOS and worked as a member till 2019.

 In 2019, she was arrested in an offence of firing on police parties under Toynar PS Dist. Bijapur (CG).

 After being released from prison in 2020, she has been working as a ACM (Area Committee Member) in the tailor team under DKSZC (Dandkaranya Special Zonal Committee) till date.

 Offences committed during her tenure:

• Encounters – 04

 In 2016, she was involved in an exchange of fire with Police in the Karremarka forest area Farsegarh (CG).

 In 2016, she was involved in an exchange of fire with Police in the Marewada forest area Bhopalpattanam (CG).

 In 2018, she was involved in an exchange of fire with Police in the Kachalaram forest area Bijapur (CG).

 In 2023, she was involved in an exchange of fire with the Gadchiroli Police in Kedmara (Bhamragad, Dist. Gadchiroli) forest area.

 Reward on her arrest:

 Maharashtra Government had announced a reward of Rs. 06 lakhs for her arrest.

Due to the intensified operations conducted by the Gadchiroli Police, a total of 73 hardcore Maoists have been arrested since January 2022. This action was undertaken under the guidance of Neelotpal, Superintendent of Police, Gadchiroli, Yatish Deshmukh, Addl. Supdt. Of Police (Ops.), Kumar Chintha, Addl. Supdt. Of Police (Admin.), M. Ramesh, Addl. Supdt. Of Police, Aheri. Furthermore, Neelotpal, SP Gadchiroli, has appealed to active Maoist cadres to renounce the path of violence and surrender in order to live their lives with dignity.

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