Election Commission Should Take Care of the Education of Voters – Vishwatma

North Lakhimpur :- Addressing a three-day public awareness camp on contemporary rights and duties,  Vishwatma said on the last day of the camp that the success of democracy is based on the awareness of the voters. Neither any party nor the government can do the work of teaching and training voters.

Vishwatma, founder of The Mission for Global Change, MGC, said that the parties give voters to wear glasses painted in the color of their policies to the voters. What the world looks like when viewed through these glasses is not the objective picture. Therefore, the Election Commission should start a network of training institutes across the country. Fair and objective training should be given to voters in these training institutes. So that a group of such voters can be created in the country, who along with their balanced physical, mental, and spiritual development, prove to be helpful in the development of their society, their country, and the entire human race.

Vishwatma, Policy Director, Voters Party International said that it is a big task to tell the voters about their democratic rights, their constitutional and human rights. This great work can be done by an institution whose integrity is above party politics and that entire nation has a holistic understanding of the entire human race. He said that the Election Commission is an institution in which the ruling party, the opposition, and the Hon’ble Supreme Court have a common role in its formation. Therefore, this body can be considered as a more impartial body than the parties. Therefore, only the Election Commission can do the impartial work of teaching and training voters.

Vishwatma, the author of dozens of books on political-economic reforms, said that the Election Commission has put a button in the name of NOTA in the EVM machines. But the Election Commission does not spend the amount of financial resources required to propagate the meaning of voting on this button. While parties spend billions of rupees to promote their symbols, the Election Commission does nothing special to promote the NOTA button. That is why the NOTA button has become redundant.

Vishwatma said that the Mission for Global Change MGC is working in collaboration with organizations like Voters Party International for democratic education and training in the country. But due to a lack of resources, it is not possible for any one mass organization to do this work in the whole country. This task should be taken over by the Election Commission of India itself. He said that it is not possible for the government to provide fair, democratic, constitutional education and training to voters according to the economic and cultural needs of the people. Only an independent body like the judiciary can do this work. Until such a new body like the judiciary is formed, the Election Commission should take over the task. For this, necessary constitutional reforms are necessary.

@ file photo

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Thu Jun 15 , 2023
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