Aapda Mitra Detail

Nagpur :- The Nagpur Municipal Corporation has received a total of 926 participants application for city’s Aapda Mitra/ Sakhi programme.

· The Aapda Mitra/ Aapda Sakhi will be community volunteers who will act as first responders within the community. The volunteers will be provided with a one day training workshop in which they will be introduced to theoretical concepts of disaster management, such as hazards, risk, Vulnerability along with practical implications such as search & rescue, use of fire extinguishers, Basic first aid & life support, lifting & stabilizing load.

· The applications will be shortlisted based on physical criteria & the shortlisted candidates will be further provided the one day training workshop. The physical criteria is one of the most important qualifying criteria as being in good physical, mental & emotional health is of high importance for which medical fitness Certificate is Mandatory according to Centre’s Aapda Mitra Scheme.

· As per Aapda Mitra guidelines based on population districts with population above 30 lakh are allowed to engage 500 volunteers.

· Keeping in consideration the estimated population of Nagpur city according in 2024 is 3415000 for which is divided into 10 administrative zones. Therefore it is beneficial to have a resource pool of total of 150 Aapda Mitra/ Aapda Sakhi for the city.

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Fri Sep 13 , 2024
– आरक्षण संपवण्याची काँग्रेसची सुप्त इच्छा – भाजपा प्रदेशाध्यक्ष चंद्रशेखर बावनकुळे यांचे टीकास्त्र नागपूर :-अमेरिकेमध्ये राहुल गांधी यांनी केलेल्या आरक्षण विरोधी वक्तव्याच्या निषेधार्थ भारतीय जनता पार्टीच्या वतीने शुक्रवारी राज्यभर आंदोलन करण्यात आले. भाजपा प्रदेशाध्यक्ष चंद्रशेखर बावनकुळे, राष्ट्रीय सचिव आ. पंकजा मुंडे, मुंबई अध्यक्ष आ. आशिष शेलार यांच्यासह पक्षाचे अनेक ज्येष्ठ नेते ठिकठिकाणी या आंदोलनात सहभागी झाले. आरक्षण संपवणे ही काँग्रेसची […]

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