Nagpur :-The 78th Independence Day celebrations at DPS MIHAN showcased a tribute to our spirit of Unity and National Pride.

The programme began with the hoisting of the tricolour by the Chief Guest Dr. Hemant Bherwani, Senior Scientist, CSIR-NEERI, and the Principal Nidhi Yadav in the presence of the staff and the students. The President and Pro Vice Chairperson of DPS MIHAN and DPS Kamptee Road Tulika Kedia and School Director Savita Jaiswal joined the function online and extended their greetings on the occasion.

The Principal Nidhi Yadav in her address to the august gathering reminded the students of the great sacrifices made by the patriots which serve as a source of inspiration for generations ahead. She concluded by saying that as we celebrate the triumph of freedom, let’s remember to uphold the values that our nation stands for.

The Chief Guest Dr. Hemant Bherwani, emphasized the crucial role of teachers and parents who guide the students for creating a better society. He laid the importance of hard work and integrity in fulfilling dreams.

The event witnessed numerous forms of artistic renditions presented by the students to commemorate the nation’s independence. A patriotic musical medley was presented by the students which filled the audience with a sense of unity and pride towards the nation.

A scintillating performance by the artists set in the Kathak style of dance form highlighted the grand cultural heritage of our nation. Anvi Shrivastava, Alfiya Baig & Aahan Jaiswal anchored the proceedings.

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