Vikrant Sea Group, Ajni, Celebrates World Thinking Day & Founders’ Day

Nagpur :- The Vikrant Sea Group, Ajni, of Central Railway Bharat Scouts and Guides celebrated World Thinking Day & Founders’ Day at the Shankar Dhiman Memorial Scout Guide Den, Ajni. The event saw enthusiastic participation from Scouts of Vikrant Sea Group and Guides from Sarojini Naidu Group and Indiraji Guide Company.

The event was organized by Pranjal Patil, Lavesh Nandrekar, Prashant Kumar Saxena, Akash Chouriwar, Jogesh Chandelkar, and the Scouts of Vikrant Sea Group, Ajni. It began with the Scouts and Guides prayer, followed by garlanding the portraits of Lord Baden Powell and Lady Baden Powell in their honor.

Anil Puranik, ALT(S);  Ravi Paithankar, ALT(S); and Sandhya Pilley, STC(G), spoke about the legacy of Lord and Lady Baden Powell, inspiring young Scouts and Guides with their words. They highlighted the importance of leadership, teamwork, and community service in shaping responsible citizens. Several Scouts and Guides also shared their experiences, emphasizing the positive impact of Scouting and Guiding on their personal development.

In addition to speeches, interactive activities and discussions were held, fostering a deeper understanding of the values upheld by the Scouting and Guiding movement. The program also included cultural performances, making the event more engaging for participants.

Among those present were Balu Meshram, hinsak Lakhote, Rupesh Sumatkar, Swati Bhatele, and Ankita Mastkar. Their presence and contributions added to the success of the event. The program concluded with a strong message of unity, service, and dedication, reinforcing the core values of Scouting and Guiding. The celebration was a true testament to the ideals of World Thinking Day & Founders’ Day, inspiring the young generation to uphold these principles with passion and commitment.

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