Two day workshop on ‘Glory of Heritage’ concludes at Raj Bhavan

Governor Koshyari pats JJ students for bringing Raj Bhavan heritage on Canvas

Paintings by students to adorn walls of Raj Bhavan buildings

Mumbai :- The 2- day painting workshop organised by Raj Bhavan for the students of Sir J J School of Art concluded at Raj Bhavan on Sunday.

Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari at whose instance the workshop was organised, visited the display of paintings and patted the students and lecturers for bringing Raj Bhavan heritage on the canvass.

Stating that the paintings of Raj Bhavan heritage buildings and those of the forts of Maharashtra drawn by the students will adorn the walls of various Raj Bhavan buildings, the Governor announced a token reward for all the participants.

Dean of the Sir JJ School of Art Dr Vishwanath Sable, coordinating lecturer Prakash Sonawane, lecturer and artist Shardul Kadam and undergraduate and postgraduate students of the Sir J J School were present.

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