Team CAIT Nagpur delagation meets Ajit Pawar

Nagpur :-A delegation of Trade leaders of Nagpur under guidance of member mahila aayog and nagar sevika Shrimati Abha Pande, lead by National President Confederation of all India traders B C Bhartia met Deputy Chief Minister of Maharashtra State Ajit Pawar to discuss development of trade of Maharashtra and issues concerning traders.

Puting forward the points for consideration Bhartia highlighted various issues specially isse of demand out standing under VAT law. He explained that the demand in most of the cases is pending primarily because of non receipt of declaration forms under CST act from purchasing parties located outside Maharashtra in most of the cases. These factories are either closed or are unable to issues C forms or other declaration forms. Bharatia suggested that a scheme may be formulated where some other evidence to prove that these were inter state sales sold to register dealers there and genuine tax demand be raised.

Bhartia further said that There are many cases pending under LBT in local corporation. The demands has to be looked into by officers of state tax department. It was suggested that all the demands under lbt be clearef through some fast track mechanism.

GST was introduced from 17.2017. As this was a new law lot of mistakes might have been there in returns filed or returns not filed. Some scheme be declared where by an opportunity to correct all the returns be given to dealers so that actual tax assessment is done. Interest penalty and fee levied be waved. This will give lot of relief to traders.

In many cases police have to conduct enquiry into complaints. These enquiry may lead to asking questions from dealers. It is suggested that if a person is having PAN or GST registration, in that case for enquiry the dealer may be called after sunrise and should be free before sunset. If need be, he can be called again. This will give mental relief to innocent traders.

Ajit Pawar gave a patient hearing to BC Bhartia. He understood all the issues. Discussed it and assured of proper action. He immediately call to different officers. He also fixed appointment of the delegation with additional secretary Dr Nitin Kareer. Taking immidiate action Ajit Pawar told Abha Pande that a meeting be refixed on Monday with concerned officers.

The delegation later on met additional secretary Dr Nitin Kareer. Dr Nitin kareer heard the issues and was highly impressed with the suggestions. He assured that proper action will be taken The delegation comprised of Bijju Pande, Nilesh suchak, Prabhakar Deshmukh, Farooque Akbani Rajkumar Gupta and others.

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Fri Dec 8 , 2023
Nagpur :- The Confederation of All India Traders ( CAIT) has today raised strong concern over illogical, exorbitant & unguided airfare tariffs charged by different Airlines in the Country causing much harassment & economic loss to the Consumers. The CAIT said that different airlines are working in a cartel mode which is evident from the fact that for any sector […]

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