TANTUVANA by Bindu Naidu creates ripples of growth in the apparel sector in India.

Starting a brand from scratch and bringing it thus far, Bindu Naidu proves her love for sarees and tussars.

Nagpur :-It is so surreal to learn about all those brands and businesses that are not overnight success stories but that which have been created from the ground up, from the rigorous efforts of founders and business owners who believed in their dreams and visions and made every possible effort to turn those dreams into a reality. What is even more amazing to know here is that most of these business owners have been women who have shown their A-game in all that they have ever chosen to lay their hands on. They have shown the world that having the right approach and attitude in business can take people a long way in their journeys, just like it did for Bindu Naidu, the brain behind TANTUVANA.

People who have been wondering what is really TANTUVANA, let us tell you that the brand has grown as an exclusive Tussar Saree store in the online world. It is a growing clothing brand that was created by the massive hard work and tenacity of Bindu Naidu, who always wanted to carve a unique success story for herself and thus jumped into this industry to create something as amazing as TANTUVANA.

Just like its name, the brand stands unique in the industry in ways more than one, for which the founder is extremely grateful as she has seen her clothing brand grow gradually in a very short span of time. Bindu Naidu says that after she realized what she wanted to achieve by getting into the business realm, she kept honing her skills and acquiring more knowledge about the industry to be on top of trends and introduce exclusivity with her Tussar Saree business, something which she did not see others offering so well.

TANTUVANA (https://www.tantuvana.com/) exudes Bindu Naidu’s pure passion for her work to create sarees that have a whole new Indian vibe to them and that which the wearer would feel proud to flaunt.

Do follow the brand on Instagram @tantuvanaofficial to know more.

Contact us for news or articles - dineshdamahe86@gmail.com


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स्वच्छतेसाठी सरसावले ५०० मोहल्ले

Wed Feb 15 , 2023
‘स्वच्छ मोहल्ला स्पर्धा’ मिळवून देईल परिसराच्या विकासासाठी निधी : मनपा आणि नागपूर@२०२५ चा स्तूत्य उपक्रम नागपूर : नागपूर महानगरपालिकेच्या वतीने आणि नागपूर@२०२५ या संस्थेच्या सहकार्याने घेण्यात येत असलेल्या ‘स्वच्छ मोहल्ला’ स्पर्धेमध्ये आतापर्यंत सुमारे ५०० मोहल्ल्यांनी सहभाग नोंदविला आहे. विशेष म्हणजे, या स्पर्धेद्वारे स्वच्छतेत उत्कृष्ट कार्य करणा-या विजेत्या मोहल्ल्यांना त्यांच्या मोहल्ल्यांमध्ये २५ लाखापर्यंतचे आवश्यक विकास कामे करण्याचे अनोखे पुरस्कार मिळणार आहे. […]

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