SFS School of Excellence Excels as Carol Singing Champions in the City

Nagpur :- The school choir of SFS School of Excellence (ICSE Board) Seminary Hills, won accolades by consecutively winning several Carol Singing competitions organised in the city.

The school choir was led by Simon Williams, Rachel, Neha Shah and Arnold Peter. This is the first time that the SFS School of Excellence band and choir participated in these prestigious annual Carol Singing competitions and made a history by winning all of them.

The Principal Rev.  Sagayamary and the Manager Rev. Fr. Vivian Lobo appreciated the students for their historic win. The school stood first in the YWCA Carol singing competition, and first again in Methodist Church Carol Singing Competition, Second in Evangelical Lutheran Church (ELC) Carol Singing Competition and third at St Thomas Church, Carol Singing Competition New Colony.

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ढिवर समाजाचा उपवर वधूवर परिचय मेळावा स्थगित

Thu Dec 15 , 2022
नागपूर :-ढिवर समाज महिला बहुउद्देशीय संस्थेच्या वतीने येत्या 24 डिसेंबरला उपवर वर -वधू वर परिचय मेळावा व विध्यार्थी सत्कार आयोजित केलेला होता. तो अपरिहार्य कारणास्तव  स्थगित करण्यात आलेला आहे.   Follow us on Social Media x facebook instagram

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