“Several Avenues are open for Law Graduates” -Justice Rohee

Nagpur – Importance of Law is increasing day by day and several avenues are open for law graduates to opt for suitable career”, said Justice Kishore Rohee, the former Judge of Bombay High Court. He was speaking as a Chief Guest at the Annual Social Gathering Function, “UTHSAH” organized recently by the Central India college of Law, Nagpur. Adv. Anil Gowardipe, Member and Ex-Chairman of Bar Council of Maharashtra & Goa and Kamal Satuja, President of District Bar Association, Nagpur were the Guests of Honour. Citing his own personal experience as a lawyer, Justice Rohee motivated the students to pursue their career with utmost dedication and determination. Dr. S.M. Rajan, Director of College while delivering the introductory speech said that Central India College of Law has become a bench- mark and corner stone for providing quality legal Education and has been striving its best not only make students legal experts but also make them human enough to imbibe social and moral values. Stressing the dire need to adopt new technology, Adv. Anil Gowardipe detailed various schemes and programmes introduced by Bar Council for the Welfare and betterment of lawyers. He also informed about the opening of co-operative Bank for lawyers.

Speaking on the occasion, Adv. Kamal Satuja stressed the need of honesty and hard work on the part of lawyer being a dynamic personality to win the court. “Lawyers must always make innovation in their working”, he added. Quoting many anecdotes, Adv. Satuja inspired the students to take up legal profession sincerely.
Earlier, the traditional lamp was lit by the dignitaries and portrait of Goddess was garlanded. The students sung the “Saraswati Vandana”.
On the occasion, the new Principal of the College, Dr. Pallavi Bhave was felicitated. Replying to her felicitation, Dr. Bhave stated that she would strive her best to further develop the college and work for the academic betterment of students.
The merit holders, Akansha Mishra and Suraj Paroche were felicitated on the occasion alongwith Dr. Shruthi Vaghela, who was awarded her Ph.D. in the recent convocation.
Avinash Dhote, Satyaraju Rao, Mruthyanjay Kumar and Umesh Dongre spoke on the occasion Monica Harish conducted the programme and proposed vote of thanks.
Students volunteers including Monika Harish, Pintu Pardhi, Poonam Kulkarni and Drishti Advani worked very hard for the success of the function.
The programme was largely attended by students and faculties including the principals of all Institutions of Central India Group.

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कामठी तालुक्यातील 27 ग्रामपंचायतीचे आरक्षण सोडत जाहीर

Mon Jun 6 , 2022
संदीप कांबळे, विशेष प्रतिनिधी -कामठी तालुक्यातील 27 ग्रामपंचायत मधील अनुसूचित जाती जमाती महिलांचे आरक्षण जाहीर -आरक्षणाने कही खुशी तर कही गमचे वातावरण कामठी ता प्र 6:-कामठी तालुक्यातील एकूण 47 ग्रामपंचायती पैकी 27 ग्रामपंचायत चा पंचवार्षिक कार्यकाळ यावर्षीच्या शेवटी संपण्याच्या मार्गावर असल्याने मुदत संपणाऱ्या या 27 ही ग्रामपंचायतीच्या अंतिम प्रभाग रचना प्रारूप ‘अ’ 27 मे ला जाहीर करण्यात आले असून ग्रामपंचायत […]

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