Refusal to furnish information on Metro 3 court costs 

Mumbai :- RTI Activist Anil Galgali has been refused by the Metro 3 administration to provide the details of court expenses under Metro 3. The Metro 3 administration has strangely claimed that the information sought is privileged information between the client and the lawyer. Due to this stand of Metro 3, doubts are being raised about the expenditure on lawyers.

RTI Activist Anil seeking to provide information regarding expenses incurred on counsel and council regarding car shed at Aarey Colony under Metro 3 under court expenses, counsel, name of counsel, date of hearing, total per diem charges, type of expenses, date, total amount paid Galgali did it.

Metro 3 Legal Department Assistant General Manager Anil Galgali informed that the information sought is privileged information between client and lawyer and is exempt from disclosure under Section 8 (1) (e) of the RTI Act.

According to Anil Galgali, the amount collected from public tax has been spent on court expenses and the information about the expenses should be made public. Anil Galgali has filed the first appeal in this regard. It is necessary for the government system to make such information public. Anil Galgali has demanded by sending letters to the Chief Minister, Deputy Chief Minister and others.

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हुतात्मा दिनानिमित्त राज्यपालांचे अभिवादन

Tue Jan 31 , 2023
मुंबई :- हुतात्मा दिनानिमित्त राज्यपाल भगत सिंह कोश्यारी यांनी राज भवन येथे दोन मिनिटे मौन पाळून महात्मा गांधी तसेच हुतात्म्यांना आपली आदरांजली वाहिली. यावेळी ‘महात्मा गांधी यांच्या राजभवन भेटी’ या विषयावरील माहितीपट दाखविण्यात आला. देशाच्या स्‍वातंत्र्यासाठी प्राणार्पण केलेल्या हुतात्म्यांप्रती आदर व्यक्त करण्यासाठी दरवर्षी ३० जानेवारी हा दिवस हुतात्मा दिन म्हणून पाळण्यात येतो. राज्यपालांचे प्रधान सचिव संतोष कुमार, विशेष सचिव राकेश […]

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