President’s Cup 2.0 Begins in DPS MIHAN

Nagpur :-The second edition of prestigious President’s Cup in Tennis Ball cricket was held in the sprawling campus of Delhi Public School MIHAN on Friday, 27th January 2023. Gurudas Raut, an international Divyang cricket player, captain of T20 World Cup 2019 and a recipient of many awards instituted by BCCI, ICC and VCA graced the occasion as Chief Guest and inaugurated the event.  Janak Shahu, Secretary, Physically Challenged Cricket Association was also present on this occasion.

Nidhi Yadav Principal DPS MIHAN welcomed the guests by presenting saplings which is the tradition of the school. In her welcome address, she highlighted the vision of President and Pro Vice Chairperson Tulika Kedia who ensures the best of sporting facilities are provided to the students for holistic education and for psycho-socio development. She also thanked the Director Savita Jaiswal for her constant guidance and support. She expressed her gratitude for the benign presence of  Gurudas Raut to motivate the young players befitting to the occasion. She emphasized that he is a perfect role model for the budding cricketers.

Gurudas Raut in his speech, appreciated the sporting facilities and encouragement given by the school for the development of sporting culture amongst the students. He emphasized that one should explore opportunities and believe in oneself to achieve one’s goal. He mentioned that with will power he could pursue cricket and achieve laurels at national and international level inspite of his limitations.

In this edition, 6 teams are competing for the coveted President’s Cup. The finals will be held on Monday 30th January 2023.

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Wed Feb 1 , 2023
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