Orange City Water organises Women’s Day Programme

Nagpur : The Orange City Water (OCW),- uninterrupted water supply project operator company- this year celebrated Womens day by organising a programme focused on educating the women staff about Health and Fitness which is the most important parameter in our life.

Following the theme, OCW organized an important Health Talk by Dr. Sameer Lote who educated women about Sleep Apnea & Chest Problems and Dr. Arundhati Lote explained about health issues related to Breast Cancer.

The Womens Day programme was followed by Fitness & Fun Activities conducted by Decathlon where the team explained the importance of fitness and a healthy lifestyle in our day-to-day life. The event was co-ordinated by Arwa Hussain.

Sakshi Mehunkar conducted proceedings while Farhat Qureshi proposed a formal vote of thanks.

Women employees from all 10 zones participated in the programme to make it a grand success.


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