NMC’s Rs 3336.84 cr budget for 2023-24 proposes No New NMC tax .

Nagpur : The Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) administrator Radhakrishnan B on Friday presented a draft Rs 3336.84 crore budget for 2023-24 and after estimated expenditure of Rs3267.63 crore.

He also presented the revised budget for the 2022-23 financial year. Earlier, he had tabled a Rs2,684.69 crore budget for last year. With rise in income from its own sources of revenue, the NMC’s revised income for 2022-23 has increased to Rs2916.74 crore.

Though Radhakrishnan presented the draft budget, it will be revised again by the standing committee of the general body once it is elected in the coming months.

The NMC expects Rs 1950 crore income as grants including goods and services tax from the state government, while it will generate the rest from its own resources like Rs 3.50 crore from local body tax, Rs 300 crore from property tax, water–Rs210 crore, town planning– Rs154.94 crore, shop rents –14.52 crore, parking–Rs 40 lakhs, auction of shops –Rs 10 lakhs, advertisement department–Rs27.71 crore etc.

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