Maharashtra NCC Directorate Wins the Prestigious PM’s Banner at Republic Day Camp 2023

New Delhi:-The NCC contingent of Maharashtra directorate brought laurels to the State by winning the Prime Minister’s banner at the Republic Day Camp (RDC 2023) event.

Winning the overall championship trophy was as a result of the year round effort of winning back to back at all the Sainik camps and shooting competitions. Maharashtra’s NCC contingent comprising of 111 cadets won the Champions Trophy and the Prime Minister’s banner at the RDC 2023 for standing first overall in addition to winning a rich haul of of trophies and laurels/medals.

22 Cadets from Maharashtra directorate, walked the Kartavya path as part of the All India NCC contingent. Cadet Pujari Shivananda Ashok had the privilege to command the RD parade contingent. No 2 Maharashtra Naval NCC Unit was adjudged “The Most Enterprising Naval Unit (MENU)” and Cadet Astha Singh was awarded for being the best Senior Wing Cadet (Navy) by the Prime Minister.

The Maharashtra directorate team was also declared winner in the flag area competition. Cadet Vaibhavi Vyas was declared the best MC for the RDC events. Apart from the above the Maharashtra directorate also won the awards for best directorate in Air Wing competition and the best squadron in flying. The Directorate teams also achieved the first position in the Inter Directorate Sports Shooting Competition and the Thal Sainik Camp (Girls).

Maj Gen YP Khanduri, ADG of Maharashtra NCC directorate said it was indeed a stupendous achievement to win the RDC banner competition 19 times and consecutively for the last 2 years. He further added “Kudos to the entire team of NCC Maharashtra directorate for their hard work, dedication and sincerity”.

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उच्च प्राथमिक विद्यालय रेवराल मे मनाया गणतंत्र दिवस

Mon Jan 30 , 2023
धर्मापुरी : भारतीय स्वतंत्रता का 74वां गणतंत्र दिवस समारोह 26 जनवरी 2023 को उच्च प्राथमिक विद्यालय रेवराल मे मनाया गया। कार्यक्रम मे पंचायत समिति मौदा मा. अध्यक्ष स्वप्निल श्रावणकर, सरपंच मनीष पाटिल, उपसरपंच  मोहन धांडे, स्कूल प्रबंधन समिति अध्यक्ष रेखा मेश्राम, उपाध्यक्ष राजेंद्रर लेडे, समस्त ग्राम पंचायत सदस्य, विद्यालय प्रबंधन समिति के सदस्य, ग्रामीण, अभिभावक एवं गणमान्य व्यक्ति उपस्थित थे। […]

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