Joint efforts of responsible and dedicated Nagpurian’s to make Nagpur a place to Admire and cherish

Nagpur – ‘Nagpur@2025’ is an initiative aiming to change the face of Nagpur and bring in asense of ownership and pride amongst the citizens, by combining the efforts of NGOs, Corporates, Citizens and the local administration – City Corporation and the Police Department working in conjunction under a joint MOU.The efforts will be directed at improving the City on Waste Management, Public Toilets & Conveniences, Public Spaces & Gardens, Lake Rejuvenation & Heritage Sites Conservation along with Traffic Management fronts.

On Sunday, 22nd January, 2022, Nagpur@2025 had organised a unique Heritage Walk with an aim of making citizens aware of our Heritage, cleaning and preservation of heritage sites, imparting information of the history of these sites and culminating in a musical recital by providing a showcase to our own artists.

This activity brought to the citizens of Nagpur the first of such events comprising of a guided walk led by young history & heritage enthusiast Atharva Shivankar, enchanting flute recital by a group of young artists led by Shubham Chopkar and classical music performance by Baithak Nagpur led by Riddhi Vikamsi.

The team of Urban Sketchers did live sketching of heritage sites. The event commenced from DD Nagar Vidyalaya (Bakabai Wada) and proceeded to Pataleshwar Dwar, Hanuman Khidki, Senior Bhonsla Palace and ended at Rukmini Mandir.

The first Heritage Walk received an overwhelming response. More than 250 citizens of all age groups participated in this event. Atharva Shivankar enthralled the participants with his knowledge of history and unique storytelling style. Nagpur@2025’s Shivkumar Rao, Convener Nimish Sutaria, Additional Municipal Commissioner Ram Joshi, Deputy Commissioner Gajendra Mahale, Assistant Coomissioners Ganesh Rathod & Ghanashyam Pandhare, ZO Suresh Khare, PRO Manish Soni attended the event.

CEO of Nagpur@2025 Malhar Deshpande shared the vision of Nagpur@2025, importance of initiatives like Heritage Walks and also highlighted the efforts taken by the administration to make our city better. He also appreciated the massive response given by the citizens for the Heritage Walk and appealed them to join in for the upcoming activities of Nagpur@2025.

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भाजप शहराध्यक्ष आमदार प्रवीण दटके यांनी केली ऑटोरिक्षा आघाडीची घोषणा

Tue Jan 24 , 2023
ॲड. धर्मपाल मेश्राम यांच्या पुढाकाराने आघाडीची स्थापना नागपूर :- भारतीय जनता पार्टी शहर ऑटोरिक्षा आघाडीची सोमवारी (ता.२३) शहराध्यक्ष आमदार प्रवीण दटके यांनी घोषणा केली. भाजपा प्रदेश सचिव ॲड्. धर्मपाल मेश्राम यांनी ऑटोरिक्षा आघाडी स्थापन करण्यासाठी विशेष पुढाकार घेतला. ॲड. मेश्राम यांच्या पुढाकारानंतर भारतीय जनता पक्षाद्वारे आघाडीची घोषणा करण्यात आली. पक्षाद्वारे घोषित करण्यात आलेल्या ऑटारिक्षा आघाडीचे फलक शहरातील सर्व ऑटोरिक्षा स्टँडवर […]

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