Inauguration of Motibagh Durga Puja Pandal

– This is the 80th year of worship

– DRM Namita Tripathi was present.

Nagpur :- The 80th Durga Puja festival was organized by the Bengali community by E.C. Railway Sri Sri Durga, Lakshmi and Kali Puja Committee, Motibagh, Nagpur. Which was inaugurated by Namita Tripathi, Divisional Railway Manager of South East Central Railway Nagpur Division. On this occasion, former corporator Jayanti Muzumdar, Pitamber Lakshminarayan, Puja Committee working president J.K. Mujumdar, Naturopathy and Yoga Therapist Dr. Pravin Dabli, Committee Secretary Vishwajeet Dey and distinguished citizens were present.

At the beginning of the program, all the guests including DRM Namita Tripathi were welcomed. After that the Durga Puja festival was started by lighting the lamp and breaking the coconut. On this occasion, women presented a cultural program praising and worshiping the Mother Goddess.

On this occasion, Namita Tripathi while congratulating all the devotees and members of Bengali society on Durga Puja festival said that we pass on these traditional festivals to our new generation. So that in this fast-paced life they remain connected to their traditions and festivals.

Many cultural programs have been organized during the 5-day puja festival.

Ratan Roy coordinated the stage and vote of thanks was accepted by committee secretary Vishwajeet Dey. For the success of the festival, Debashish Ghosh, Ajit Bhattacharya, Ratan Roy, Pratap Hazra, R. Of. Mandal, Srikant Roy, Dipankar Pal, Deepak Din, Vijay Chakraborty, Prakash Rao Gundu, Vidya Dey, Chhaya Pal, Bulti Hazra, Manjusha Bhattacharya, Krishna Lodh Moushumi Dasgupta, Anjana Sarkar, Biswas, Papiya Roy, Papiya Guha, Gauri Kanjilal, Papiya All the workers of the division including Guha are making efforts.

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नागपूर विभागात 64 कौशल्य केंद्रांची ग्रामीण भागात सुरुवात

Fri Oct 20 , 2023
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