Governor Koshyari applauds the work of Nana Palkar Smriti Samiti

Mumbai :- Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari visited the Rugna Seva Sadan run by the Nana Palkar Smriti Samiti at Parel in Mumbai and applauded its work of providing shelter to cancer patients and their relatives at affordable costs.

A memorandum of understanding for starting a Day Care Chemotherapy clinic at Borivali was signed between the Nana Palkar Smriti Samiti and the Tata Memorial Centre in presence of the Governor.

Earlier the Governor visited the Rugna Seva Sadan run by the Samiti and interacted with patients and their relatives.

President of Nana Palkar Smriti Samiti Dr Shrikant Badwe, Director of Tata Memorial Centre Dr. Shripad Banavali, well-known oncologist Dr. Shailesh Shrikhande and Secretary of Nana Palkar Smriti Samiti Dr. Sumedha Joshi were present.

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Tue Sep 27 , 2022
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